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Major Bug please help!!!

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Ok I really don't know where to post this so sorry mods and/or admins but I am kinda freaking out right now. I play Fallout: New Vegas on the ps3. I have the three DLCs installed (I installed and played them in order of release if that makes any difference). Now I am playing Old World Blues (just finished actually). I hit level 45 a while ago, about mid-dlc. Stay with me here people.


Now my game has been really laggy recently. Both fallout 3 and new Vegas have been running slowly and then freezing after play times of only 45 minutes or so. Then I take the disk out, put it back in, and problem solved for an hour or two. Well, i think my save file may have been corrupted while freezing during fast travel or some such horror because, and this is where my problem has occured, I KEEP LEVELING UP!!! I am at level 47 right now!


Now, I know what you are thinking, "why report this, that is awesome! Lucky son of a gun!" well think about this; you cannot level a skill past 100, right? So, if I have no level cap (unconfirmed, but possible, I guess I might find that out soon) and I cannot level up skills past 100, what happens when those skills max out? If everything is 100, and I cannot use skill points when I level, won't I be just stuck on the leveling page eventually? Unable to move on in the game since I cannot move on to choosing a perk without using up those skill points? Anyone else have this problem? Might as well speak up now so you don't get stuck when we reach that point of no more skills to level.


I still have too many places to explore to not be able to get exp without stopping my game. The 4th dlc isn't even out! Any advice? I will try to update my leveling progress and such after I leave the sink area (gotta move some organs around before going back to the Mohave). Thanks for the help (hopefully),



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I've heard a few people have this issue. You should post this on the bethesda forums as you'll get a better response there.

Welcome to the forums Dommicius,


Moved to the gaming section. ShadowScythe is right in, that the "official" place being the main hub of FO:NV activity. Leaving it open it in case a lucky shot comes this way with suggestions/answers.

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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My impression is that for some reason, the latest patch (1.4) caused the max level to be attainable even if you didn't have the DLC's. At least, for some people. Bug with level capping perhaps.


If you level past 50, then it's something else/a related glitch I guess.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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