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Lame Prestige Classes...

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Ah Slayen. I didn't know that. Well... Now that I think about it, there are several ten-level PrCs in the DMG, but I always viewed d20 Modern as being somewhat cooler, which may very well be where I got the idea from.


And anyway... Yeah. I just want to see some preliminary statistics on these prestige classes; that's all I'm asking. Even if every other line they inserted a big bold WARNING: THIS CONTENT SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!, I'd be happy.

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Everything looks good to me, personally I'm going to go sentinel/ whatever is good at combat. Also, I hope for unlimited levels in this game, so people might complain it might be overpowering but the higher your level the lower the xp you get from that creature, and nobody is going to kill 1xp creatures all night are they? I just want the freedom, not some hard cap like in Kotor.

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