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Kotor II with XBox 360 Controller

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In the options, I cannot set up my XBox 360 controller to run with the game. The only thing I can do is configure the keyboard and mouse. Is there something I am missing or is there some way to trick the game?


I have the USB Wireless Receiver.

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I don't think the game supports the 360 controller since it came out long before the 360. There's free software that lets you use a 360 controller with any PC game, you could search for that. You don't really need the controller anyway, since you can pretty much control the whole game with the W key and mouse.

"Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity." Marshall McLuhan

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I remember people complaining about Kotor2 not running reliably on xbox360... it was written for the original xbox :)


I have the controller (bought it for 'Dead Space), but I use it rarely, as a number of games gets confused when it is attached and fails to acknowledge my main game stick (Saitek X52 Pro).

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