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I just recently picked this game up for PC and I really enjoyed it despite some very very harsh reviews. I thought the story was good the game play was fun. I'm a huge fan of the Mass Effect series and this game was a nice twist on what Mass Effect does. I think its a shame that this game got such the bad press that it did when it was not deserved. Was the game perfect? No but what game is? I didn't experience a single crash or freeze during the entire game. The only technical issues I had was with the mouse stutter problem while textures loaded and some inputs you couldn't remap but this hardly ruined the game for me. That is saying alot for the slew of poorly optimized games for PC that have been released recently.

I ended up specializing my character in Pistols and Stealth MAX and my spy ended up being a complete one man army. For people who claim the stealth doesn't work in the game must not have invested points in the stealth skill. Anyways I'm sure there wont be a sequel to this game but I for one would love it. I'm sorry you guys got such bad press as I feel it was undeserved. Just wanted to say thanks for a solid game.



  • 1 month later...

Picked the game up on sale on steam and loved it. So much that I also bought the x-box version. Easily game of the year for me. I rather take a good story and interesting characters over technical perfection. I already finished it once on the pc and once on the x-box and I'm notoriusly bad at finishing games, I usually get bored with them halfway through.

Posted (edited)

yes thank you Obsidian this is an awesome game one of the best I've played in a while it just needs a few technical fixes which can be easily delivered in a patch or two and it'll be perfect!


P.S: the people who reviewed this game and gave it low scores must not know that most RPG games today are just about graphics and multiplayer and don't concentrate on the storyline or the character development

Edited by pimabread
  • 2 weeks later...

I registered just to tell the developers of Alpha Protocol what a fantastic game it was.


After some of the negative press I hesitated to get the game and to my delight and surprise the game is actually quite good and if not better than other games in the genre , such as ME2, in some regards.


While ME2 was awesome , I still felt disjointed from the conversations , even with my import save I still felt like the conversations and consequences of my choices didn't carry over in big epic ways like I felt they should.


But enough about that game, I feel even with the flaws in AP it's still a fantastic RPG and had me interested in every single minute throughout the entire game.



I love stealth gaming and managed to stealth pretty much the entire game , while the mechanics were quite simple it was nice to be able to play the entire game without killing so much as one person ,save a boss or two .


I hope Obsidian reads these posts as I think AP had way to much undeserved negative press, it's like 1/2 the community reviewing it do not realize what a true RPG is.


I really think this game could become a cult hit where the true RPG players like me ( 41 yrs old) can appreciate the quality aspects of AP.


Stealth is a massively underrepresented genre these days and new titles are few and far between.


I just wanted to register and tell you guys you made a fantastic game and this is coming from a longtime gamer like me.

  • 2 weeks later...
  Assassin47 said:

I registered just to tell the developers of Alpha Protocol what a fantastic game it was.


Same here man. not being 41 and all(25) but i've lived through the fallouts at least, and i remember what dragged me into it sometimes was the 'butch' conversations. I've looked for games like that ever since but can never quite seem to find them. i think of this as i run through the corridors in AP headquarters and get greeted by guards and allso the posture of our main man is quite the thing.. this game steams authentic fun and tries like any great RPG should: to brige the gap between the gamer and what is being gamed. brilliant conversations.

i hope you guys will be able to pull 'props' from this game when moving on to do the wheel of time game later. U guys need all the praise u can get for delving yourselfs into producing this awsomness. May 'by gamers for gamers' live on through you eh?


This game geting a bad rep by reviewers makes my mind made up about my sceptisicm to some reviewers. i have seemed to give them some leeway talking about all and every game in a 'proffetional' way, giving grades based on some weird merrits that cannot be all that consistent. I will never fall for this trap again. there was something i allways dissliked in all of the video reviews, and now i know what it was. it's liking media, and mass media in general. how can a game like gears of war get like 10 annyway, thats what i wanna know.

. I would never claim to give an esthetic judgment on the spread in genra these guys do. soul less buisnis. So Never give up! Keep making great games. And as for working with bethesda, it gives me rising tides of sceptisism. i played a lot of morrowind, as the next guy, but in some way their games are soul less.

they can be filled by the gamer, being open ended and all, but thats their only thing u know. they got no groove, got no balls. conversations in bethesda games are like talking to a brick, or punching in code. black ile/obsidianon the other hand's got du plenty.

if co-operation is desired down the line, let the good stuff in obsidian game developers minds be compromised no more. I hope you can rise above compromise and work with partners after making the wheel of time games, and again claiming your rightfull place on the sun, at the top of the RPG genre where u belong.

amen. keep making good worthwile games! there is only 1 in a hundred..


Posted (edited)

Sorry I'm late for the party!


(tl;dr version at the end)


I must confess that I have sinned. Reviews clouded my mind and I was putting Alpha Protocol aside for a long time. Finally bought it back in November in those damned weekend deals on Steam (my list of bought-but-haven't-played-yet games is getting stronger and stronger) and even then I was putting it aside. But I fixed it. Had vacation on Friday so decided to finally give AP a shot. Fast forward 3 days to Sunday, AP finished. I was glued to my TV the whole time. It was marvelous. I of course immediately started a new game (there's very, VERY few games that I start again right after finishing them).


I love you Obsidian. I can understand the criticisms of AP, the AI can be dumb as a brick from time to time, combat isn't the best on the market, invisibility is maybe a bit overpowered, though I must say it didn't really bother me, I tried not abusing it. As for the invisibility, it seemed a bit out-of-place which bothered me more than its power. That's why I think AP should have been a cyberpunk. Like the best game ever to grace my PC. Deus Ex.

But honestly, the AI didn't really bother me (Deus Ex didn't excel at AI either, didn't affect its greatness) and I personally enjoyed the combat.

But the thing that did it for me was, like in KOTOR2, the dialogues, characters and the story, even though I'm not a big fan of spy stories like this one, AP still managed to make me enjoy it greatly, which says a lot.

The one thing that maybe could be counted as a tiny little bit of complaint were boss fights. Not that boss fights were bad, just that I'm not a big fan of boss fights in general in games like this and AP could've been even better if they ditched them. But that's not a big deal.


It's kinda funny when it comes to Obsidian (not talking about Black 'Awesome' Isle era) and me. I loved KOTOR2, which was bashed and criticized same as Alpha Protocol and I'm one of the very few people who think that KOTOR2 was as good as KOTOR1, although for different reasons (the first KOTOR lost some of it's magic after the first playthrough as the twist was already revealed, while KOTOR2 did not). And I still didn't touch their highly praised NWN2 and Fallout: New Vegas. The first NWN was a bit of a disappointment for me and after finishing it, I never came back to it. So I skipped on NWN2. But I bought it recently (again, damn you weekend deals *shakes fist*) so I'll give it a shot in the near future. Let's see if Obsidian can make me like NWN.

Same goes for New Vegas. Fallout 3 was a bit disappointing, never even bothered buying the DLC for it and after finishing it I put it on my shelf to gather dust (funny, I was defending Fallout 3 before its release from the hardcore Fallout 1 & 2 fans (one of the best rpgs of course) and in the end I ended up as one of them after actually playing it), so I'm avoiding New Vegas currently as I'm afraid it's more of the same as Fallout 3. Though I'm starting to doubt my decision. It's Obsidian this time, not Bethesda. Guess I'll wait for another weekend deal.


I wish Obsidian were able to do what they want and publish what they want. I'd love to see a proper cyberpunk from Obsidian. Or a steampunk. Though steampunk is kinda tricky, there's probably only one game that came close to a proper steampunk and that was Arcanum. Steampunk tends to slide very easily to corny and tasteless department.


I guess I learned my lesson and next time I'll be there to help the sales sooner. I'm really interested how Dungeon Siege 3 ends up. The first one was kind of meh, never finished it, 2nd one flew by me and I basically didn't even notice its existence. Fingers crossed.




tl;dr version: <3 you Obisidian and your AP. Your bashed games are the best, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

Edited by Balerion

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