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Star Wars KOTOR II issues in Windows 7 Pro

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Hello. Occasionally, when I play the game KOTOR II, it crashes, and I have to restart it. I might play 2 hours just fine, then all of a sudden the game crashes, and I have to restert the game to the last save point. I do not remember having these issues in Windows XP, and wonder if this is an OS or video driver issue, and if anyone else has had the same thing happen to them.


I have a Dell Inspiron 1525 Laptop with a 1.66 GHZ Core 2 Duo T5450, 500 GB Seagate Sata HDD, 4GB of RAM, a DVD RW, and Intel Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator video.


* The update would not install through the game so I have downloaded the latest update 1.0B from Lucas Arts and installed it manually, at http://www.lucasarts.com/support/update/kotor2.html



The OS is Windows 7 Professional 32 bit, with all updates to Windows 7 installed.


Also, I am playing KOTOR II on the following video settings:

(The graphics are on the max settings, and the game looks fine, to me)


1. Resolution at 1024X768

2. Setting is on "High"

3. No Anti-aliasing (no option to select on, anyway)

4. Anistropy at 2x (no option to go beyond that)

5. Frame Buffer effects and Soft Shadows unchecks (no option to select them)

6. Vsync is checked.


Also I normally run 1280x800 resolution, when not playing the game, and when starting the game, I get a bubble message in my task bar stating that the Resolution is not "Optimized," which I am assuming means it is downgrading from 1280x800, to 1024x768 in the game.


The game plays smooth, not jerky, other than the occasional lock up.


Does anyone have any comments or ideas? Anyone in a similar situation? Have I done everything possible with running KOTOR II on Windows 7?


Thank you!

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You could get a low cost nVidia graphics card and add it into your computer. Just about any of their graphics cards released in the last 2-3 years should be fine. It wouldn't cost much and would solve any compatibility problems.

Edited by Dunedain
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It's a laptop, so changing gfx cards is not an option. It doesn't seem like an issue with the card though if it's happening at random. It sounds like it could be an issue with Windows 7. I understand that the compatability with WinXP is not perfect, so maybe it's something that can be resolved with an upcoming update/service pack.

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