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Crashing on Dxun

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Okay, this @#$% is getting annoying. Right when I revisit Dxun (for the Freedon Nadd tomb revisit) right when I choose who will go to the tomb of Freedon Nadd, the game will finish loading, then a quick black screen and then the annoying "KotorII has stopped working" @#$%. I've been getting frequent crashes when I landed on Dxun for the first time, and its been following me from when I traveled to Onderon, and then to Dantooine, I suffered through both planets then I get this @#$% for my revisit to Dxun. I have like over 350 saved games, does that have something to do with this? And is there a patch for this @#$%?

Edited by Nihilus5078


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Do you have any mods installed, and if so, which?


Also, do you have the 1.0b patch? And what are your specs?

This particularly rapid, unintelligible patter isn't generally heard, and if it is, it doesn't matter.

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I installed that 1.0b patch but that didn't do anything except make the black screen last like 5 seconds then crash. Last time the game was ****ing with my alignments I deleted all savegames and that worked but this **** I'm getting, I dont want to delete all my save games until I finish my current game, if thats even possible. I also tried the update but that just aborted all patches the game wanted. Damn these crashes and **** all bugs.

Edited by Nihilus5078


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