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Guest xgmx

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I just began work on a little something called Alien-Predator Launcher, it is so bad ass!


Alright, I finish making the Aliens versus Predator version after several hours. Alright I think, gonna compile it. WTF!!! IT WON'T COMPILE! Like 10k errors, so I go through, one by one deleting them.....in the end it made me delete every single piece of script there was...........................................................and to top things off the C++ project crashed and now it won't even load the project so I had to delete. Also the source code I was using got destroyed so I have to re-download it from the Odamex website (using my slow dial-up Internet) and start over from scratch.............I THINK I NEED SOME ****ING HELP!




A-P Launcher official website

A-P Launcher official forums

A-P Launcher official wiki

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Since there is a possibility that his request for help is genuine, I won't close this yet.


xgmx, if you do have a coding problem and need help, actually describing (in detail) your predicament and what you actually need help with would be a start.


Moved to the appropriate forum.

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