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Which of these mods is better?

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I wish to play the missing planetm-478 and the droid factory,i am replaying now and cannot wait for team gizka.


Has anyone tried theses mods and can anyone tell me which is better?






Or can they be used together?

I have the HK factory mod. It was moved out of it's original place in the story and it a little buggy. There are a number of bugs where doors are no longer selectable objects and you need to reload. There are also some triggers that do not change variables when you pass them so you might see the same cut scene more than once. It is playable for all of that. My advice is give it a look and save often and in different slots. They also created their own segue for the mod since it does not appear in it's original context. It doesn't really make sense but that is only a small detraction. Don't know about the droid planet though. You are on your own there.

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Thomas Sowell

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They are two different things. HK Factory I've played. The only thing I don't like about it is some parts when you walk around are glitchy and shakkey. This is due to the fact that it was never completed only what is there has been restored. It can get glitchy because many of the level sections weren't finished and some parts had to be connected together. So the module's structure isn't what was really meant to be, but is the best that can be done. There's no way to fix the glitchyness.


As for the Droid Planet Team Exile will have the Droid Factory in their mod. However their droid factory will be differnt. swfan28 told me a little about it. Here are his words:

Droid Planet 1.3 is Darth Shan's M4-78 mod. It is not connected to our project in any way. The author states in the readme that his mod is not a restoration but completion according to his own tastes. He hasn't even tried to make it true to what we know of how Obsidian originally planned the M4-78. As such he has taken the unfinished modules and filled them with his own stuff while keeping the main plot intact. It is a good mod but not compatible with ours. Darth Shan has given permission to use material from his mod but I don't think any of it will be useful to our project.


We are currently planning to make all of the development in near future inside the team though some team member oppose the idea. Unfortunately this means we won't release any updates until the Darth Balor mess gets sorted out and our public image is restored. Sorry about that.

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