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Posted (edited)

I ordered KOTOR2 for my friend's birthday that's coming up in about two weeks or so. The shop didn't have KOTOR1 in stock so I opted for KOTOR2 instead, figuring that the Restoration Project will be dropping any day now (thanks Teams Gizka and Exile for your years of hard work BTW). I would've opted for the Xbox version (of either KOTOR1 or 2), but that's long OOP in my country and it's not kosher to give 2nd hand goods as gifts IMO.


Anyway these are his specs:-

Pentium 4 2.8GHz (dunno which architecture revision, there were so damn many for P4)

1GB Ram (probably DDR1, I didn't bother asking)

Radeon 9200 128MB


Everything seems to be well within recommended requirements. But I'm not sure about the video card, would that be enough?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by EvaUnit02

It looks good. I think the ATI Radeon is similar to the nVidia GeForce FX5200, and that's what I ran Kotor 2 on when I got it and it ran perfectly well. Higher resolutions (above 800x600) will be jerky in places, but I was quite satisfied with the visual experience I had. This site is suggesting that the card meets the 'recommended', not just the 'required' specifications.

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The ATI 9200 should be fine. I had one before I upgraded and Kotor 2 ran fine with it.

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You shouldn't both games run better on the PC, and there are great mods for each of them that are unavailable on the X-box.

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