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Barack Obama


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Guest The Architect
Australia is a group of champions? Please I just had my dinner.


Damn straight Australia rules. They have me. Who do you guys have?






Your government have been diminishing the number of the Aboriginal tribe and seizing their lands since way back when. And don't get me started on how inhumane your precious government treats its immigrants.


A bit like how Iran treats its homosexuals, huh?

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I'm Australian [deleted]. You know - that group of champions who went to East Timor to stop you Indonesian [deleted] from committing genocide on the East Timorese?

Oh you're an Aussie? Well then let's put another shrimp on the barbie shall we? :lol: Seriously, the fact that your Australian doesn't change the absurdity of the post you made earlier. I mean c'mon.... You deemed Obama unworthy of the presidency just coz he has a 'sleazy' smile?


First of all, it's "you're", not "your".


And yes I certainly did judge him at face value. Would you like a study to show why that's normal behaviour for a human, even in an election, or do you presume to be beyond the whims of your subconscious?


So no, not absurd at all.


Regarding East Timor I will make no defense. Our government under the Soeharto regime is infamous for their crimes against humanity, corruption, etc. So if you wanna insult/attack my government some more then more power to you man. :lol:


No, I'm not just attacking your government. I'm attacking the type of people who supported it. Of which I suspect you'd be one, regardless of the facade of tolerance you try to project here. The genocide of the East Timorese continued past the start of this millenium. When your government could no longer ignore international pressure telling you to stop being so evil, it officially withdrew, and unofficially supported any militant groups who wanted to cause trouble for the East Timorese (which was a lot), by way of your military. And why? Because the East Timorese weren't Muslim.

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I don't think this thread has really shown our (myself included) debating abilities at their best. Good raw material for discussion not handled well I feel.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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