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Is it the one on Dxun? What exactly happened?


If it is, after defeating those Sith Masters resurrecting Freedon Nadd in tomb, there will be a mandalorian named Xarga standing by. Save your game and talk to him to continue through game.

Edited by vaxen83

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I think it is about Korriban (notice "sith planet")...


If so did you find Vash already?

(or if it is about the Tomb on the SP) Did you defeat



Edited by Hassat Hunter




I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5.


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If you are talking about the tomb in korriban there is actually a game bug.


The reason why you are stuck is because you defeated Revan outside the room he appears. Reload and defeat him without running. It might be a little more difficult this way.


Then the three doors open and you can get out.


Before you rash to leave however know that inside that tomb there is a way to maximize your level. (level 50)


After defeating Revan and opening the doors go to room with a dead Jedi and click the corpse several times. Countless monsters appear until you reach max level. Each time you click 2-4 monsters appear. I clicked once 16 times and the whole room was filled with monsters. Use force storm and you will reach max level in 2 hours.


Notice that you should have taken prestige class before going in that tomb.


Also notice that you can enter the tomb only once, so think carefully.

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I could suggest that the Hssiss spawn is a way of leveling up your character. If you find it hard, Dantooine's crystal cave also allows for repeated triggering of appearing kinrath. However, it is slightly different. Enter the crystal cave and go to location where crystal formations are, and after defeating kinrath that first appear there, deselect one party member from character selection screen (press L to bring it up) and slot another character into party.


Then, run out of crystal formations area and kinrath will appear. You can do it as many times as needed. Once you trigger the Kinrath matriach quest from speaking to Zherron in the Administrator's building, this kinrath spawn can no longer be used.


If you do this, keep in mind that your party members will also gain levels up to a few levels less than your PC. There is a part in Korriban's sith tomb where you will have to fight Kreia say 3-4 characters, some of whom might be ones which you used for leveling up. Suggest that you level up Visas and either Mira, or HK-47. Try to level up those characters that you are least likely to encounter in tomb.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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If you are talking about the tomb in korriban there is actually a game bug.


The reason why you are stuck is because you defeated Revan outside the room he appears. Reload and defeat him without running. It might be a little more difficult this way.



Also notice that you can enter the tomb only once, so think carefully.


Ive gotten that glitch before too. I never run from revan. I stand my ground and fight him. So it cant be that. The glitch is when you fight all of your party members the door doesnt open and kreia just stands there. If you talk to her the fight with the party members starts all over again. Its a loop problem.


Save the game before you go into the cave and save the game again before you enter the room with kriea. reloading at one of those places should fix it.

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