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last summer in 2005 I beat star wars: knights of the old republic 2 (darkside) this summer I got bored so I looked through my games and stumbled opun and old friend (knights of the old republic 2) and started to play. I just finished datooine last night and is starting at dxun (second time) I got to the sith tomb but is stuck at the enterance I have Atton,handmaiden and boa - dur atton adn hand maiden just became jedi's (last night) atton a has green double bladed light saber and handmaiden has a blue short light saber. I go to the tomb but I always die at the sith lords I regenerate and get my force all the way up and hand maiden knows "master force scream" for a large group of enemies atton has "inproved force lightning" and " wave" (master force push) I dont know how but I always die and die and die I tried 10 times and never got to beat it so how am I going to beat these sith lords (2) I need some help on how please repley to me of what you think on how to win. :-

Posted (edited)

Well, what PC did you take? Jedi or Sith classes?


The two Sith lords with purple sabers at entrance to Sith tomb might try to use Critical Strike against your PC, so guard against stun. Atton would have immunity to paralysis as a Sentinel.


A few suggestions:


Use Master Speed if you have it and adrenal stims to boost your stats. Give Atton a single lightsaber for this fight as double-bladed sabers require additional Str mod.


Hopefully, Atton and Handmaiden would have gained enough Jedi levels to use Force powers. Equip them with any items that add to Wisdom to increase their Force points maximum.


Give Handmaiden gloves that add to Strength. Power implants also increase Strength.


Among them, Handmaiden would probably be effective as a front-line warrior. Use any force powers to boost her stats and cast Master Energy Resistance to reduce lightsaber damage from Sith lords.


Even on a failed roll, Stasis Field will slow them down, if unable to immobilise them.

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.




I never turn anyone into a jedi. I find that they are much better advancing in their own class than trying to use a lightsaber or force powers at low level. Particularly Atton who becomes a very good pistol fighter if you let him.


I always take visas mar, Mira and T3 to the sith tomb. T3 can slice the turrents and the droids, Mira can walk through the mines, and Visas can use lightsabers and force powers. I never have any trouble.

Posted (edited)

You could also use Bao-Dur's corporate code to power down a sensor post just towards the exit of tunnel for whoever you have appointed as party leader where this part of game starts. Bao-Dur can also rewire circuitries of power generators to disable any droids and turrets that you would encounter. (If his Repair skill is at least 15-16 points)

Edited by vaxen83

Deep from within...


Victims live a life of fantasy.


Some see salvation as an act of God, a few look within for it.



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