ssnake42069 Posted April 23, 2006 Posted April 23, 2006 (edited) After creating my character, it shows the good ol rolling prelogue "Long time ago in a galaxy far far away", then when finished, i can here the ebon hawks idle sound (computers beeping and booping) and i think i hear t3 but without visuals, i cant confirm that. Well anyway after a few seconds of that, it crashes to desktop (at least i dont get BSOD's anymore!). The first game played fine (well, except for character becoming unresponsive at times in certain areas, but i still beat kotor like that). I would greatly appreciate it if sum1 would help me out with this. hold on, just re-installed Direct X 9.0c (by using the setup exe on the disc). OK just restarted, and direct x9.0c is not the issue. This is really bugging me. I really wanna play the pc version of this game but its not working.... Edited April 23, 2006 by ssnake42069
ssnake42069 Posted April 23, 2006 Author Posted April 23, 2006 (edited) Oh and by the way, i have a intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics controller. Im looking for the latest updates for it now, because for some reason keeps wanting me to download genuine validation tool that keeps failing to download every time, so im forced to use other methods of updating. I also have the latest version since its the very last version of this perticular chipset. So it shouldnt be this that is causing the problem unless the game is completely unplayable if using this card. I sure as hell hope thats not the case, but it shouldnt be since the first game works with this.... Well im gunna uninstall, then reinstall the game. I did modify the swkotor2.ini file to suit my needs. I did the same thing with the first game and it did no problems (actually made the game run faster...i decreased the screen resolution and refresh rate even further then the game allows) im thinking this may be the problem. Ill be back in 5... Nope, that didnt work. i still have the problems... damn....i really wanna play this game. Im gunna contact lucasarts support, hoping they can help. Unless you guys/gals help me out first. Edited April 23, 2006 by ssnake42069
Hassat Hunter Posted April 23, 2006 Posted April 23, 2006 Already installed 1.0B? If so could you go to the configuration screen, scan hardware then details and save the report and post it here? ^ I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5. TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee
ssnake42069 Posted April 24, 2006 Author Posted April 24, 2006 Ok Here is my scan report for kotor 1 [sWKotOR]ReportDateTime=04/23/2006 12:15:02 AM SysInfoVersion=v1.00.19 GameExists=1 GameVersion=v1.03.514077 GameInstallLocation=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR\ [OS] Name=WinXP Version=Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 1 Service Pack=Service Pack 1 Status=Pass [swapFiles] C:\pagefile.sys=384 [CPU] CPUCount=1 CPUSpeed=2392 CPUFamily=15 CPUModel=2 CPUStepping=9 CPUVendor=Intel CPUName= Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.40GHz Status=Pass [Memory] RAM=255 Status=Fail [Disk Free Space] C: (NTFS), UNICODE=51.80GB Status=Pass [CD-ROMs] DriveLetters=D:\,E:\,F:\ Drives=HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8483B,JLMS DVD-ROM XJ-HD166 [Video] Video Card Name=Intel® 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller Video Memory=64 Desktop Resolution=1024x768x32 @ 75Hz DirectX=DirectX (9.0+) ( OpenGL Version=1.3.0 - Build OpenGL Vendor=Intel OpenGL Renderer=Intel 845G Vid Card Status=Fail GL Status=Fail DX Status=Pass [Audio] Sound Card Name=SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio Status=Pass ;Game Options from swkotor.ini [sound Options] Sound Init=0 Music Volume=100 Voiceover Volume=100 Sound Effects Volume=100 Movie Volume=100 Force Software=0 EAX=0 Disable Sound=0 Number 3D Voices=16 Number 2D Voices=24 Environment Effects Level=0.60 2D3D Bias=1.50 Environment Effects=1 [Game Options] GUIsInScreenShot=1 EnableScreenShot=0 Reverse Mouse Buttons=0 Hide InGame GUI=0 Use Small Fonts=0 Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000 Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000 Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000 Hide Unequippable=0 Tutorial Popups=0 Subtitles=1 Mini Map=1 Floating Numbers=1 Status Summary=1 Enable Mouse Teleporting To Buttons=1 Mouse Sensitivity=33 Auto Level Up NPCs=0 Mouse Look=0 AutoSave=1 Reverse Minigame YAxis=0 Combat Movement=1 Enable Tooltips=1 Difficulty Level=0 TooltipDelay Sec=1.000000 Memory Access=1 Memory Level=1 Disable Movies=0 EnableCheats=1 [Movies Shown] Movie 0=115 Movie 1=239 Movie 2=9 Movie 3=136 Movie 4=7 Movie 5=0 Movie 6=0 Movie 7=0 Movie 8=0 Movie 9=0 Movie10=0 [Alias] HD0=.\ OVERRIDE=.\Override TEMP=.\Temp MODULES=.\Modules LOGS=.\Logs LOCALVAULT=.\LocalVault DMVAULT=.\DMVault SERVERVAULT=.\ServerVault STREAMMUSIC=.\StreamMusic TEMPCLIENT=.\Tempclient SAVES=.\saves CURRENTGAME=.\currentgame TEXTUREPACKS=.\texturepacks STREAMWAVES=.\StreamWaves [Graphics Options] RefreshRate=75 Height=75 Width=100 V-Sync=0 Anisotropy=1 Frame Buffer=0 Anti Aliasing=0 Texture Quality=0 Emitters=1 Grass=0 Soft Shadows=0 Shadows=0 Brightness=50 EnableHardwareMouse=1 FullScreen=0 [Autopause Options] Mine Sighted=1 End Of Combat Round=0 Enemy Sighted=1 Party Killed=1 Action Menu=0 New Target Selected=1 [config] firstrun=0 [Keymapping] Action286B=8 Action286A=7 Action285B=10 Action285A=9 Action284B=54 Action284A=51 Action283B=54 Action283A=51 Action282B=69 Action282A=73 Action281B=53 Action281A=76 Action280B=69 Action280A=73 Action264=57 Action263=43 Action262=85 Action261=84 Action260=83 Action259=82 Action258=81 Action257=80 Action256=79 Action255=78 Action254=77 Action253=31 Action245=75 Action244=55 Action243=67 Action242=74 Action241=87 Action240=56 Action239=68 Action238=82 Action236=83 Action234=81 Action232=80 Action230=79 Action228=78 Action226=77 Action225=70 Action224=90 Action223=31 Action222=25 Action221=24 Action220=29 Action219=28 Action218=42 Action217=87 Action216=65 Action215=63 Action214=62 Action213=60 Action212=61 Action211=66 Action210=59 Action209=71 Action208=89 Action207=72 Action206=30 Action205=55 Action204=67 And here is the hardware scan info for kotor 2. Believe me they are two very different things. Why would kotor 1 work but not 2? its bugging me the hell out... [sWKotOR]ReportDateTime=04/23/2006 12:15:18 AM SysInfoVersion=v1.00.60 GameExists=1 GameVersion=v2.00.424 GameInstallLocation=C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2\ [OS] Name=WinXP Version=Windows XP v5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 1 Service Pack=Service Pack 1 Status=Pass [swapFiles] C:\pagefile.sys=384 [CPU] CPUCount=1 CPUSpeed=2392 CPUFamily=15 CPUModel=2 CPUStepping=9 CPUVendor=Intel CPUName= Intel® Celeron® CPU 2.40GHz Status=Pass [Memory] RAM=256 Status=Warning [Disk Free Space] C: (NTFS), UNICODE=51.80GB Status=Pass [CD-ROMs] DriveLetters=D:\,E:\,F:\ Drives=HL-DT-ST CD-RW GCE-8483B,JLMS DVD-ROM XJ-HD166 [Video] Video Card Name=Intel® 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller Video Memory=64 Desktop Resolution=1024x768x32 @ 75Hz DirectX=DirectX 9.0c ( OpenGL Version=1.3.0 - Build OpenGL Vendor=Intel OpenGL Renderer=Intel 845G Vid Card Status=Fail Vid Card Driver Status=Pass GL Status=Fail DX Status=Pass [Audio] Sound Card Name=SoundMAX Integrated Digital Audio Status=Pass ;Game Options from swkotor2.ini [Display Options] FullScreen=1 Disable Movies=0 Disable Intro Movies=0 Sort Modules=1 Width=640 Height=480 BitsPerPixels=32 RefreshRate=60 [sound Options] Music Volume=100 Voiceover Volume=100 Sound Effects Volume=100 Movie Volume=100 Number 3D Voices=32 Number 2D Voices=32 2D3D Bias=1.00 Force Software=0 EAX=0 Sound Init=0 Disable Sound=0 [Graphics Options] V-Sync=0 Anisotropy=1 Frame Buffer=0 Anti Aliasing=0 Texture Quality=0 Grass=0 Soft Shadows=0 Shadows=0 Brightness=50 RefreshRate=75 Height=600 Width=800 EnableHardwareMouse=1 FullScreen=0 [Game Options] UnlockedPlanetSongs=1 Enable Tooltips=1 Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000 Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000 Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000 TextureVariation=0 BodyVariation=0 AppearanceType=0 PCGender=0 GameCompleted=0 CurSithLord=0 Hide InGame GUI=0 Use Small Fonts=0 Hide Unequippable=0 Tutorial Popups=1 Subtitles=1 Mini Map=1 Floating Numbers=1 Status Summary=1 Enable Mouse Teleporting To Buttons=1 Mouse Sensitivity=44 Difficulty Level=0 Auto Level Up NPCs=0 Mouse Look=0 AutoSave=1 EnableScreenShot=0 Reverse Mouse Buttons=0 Reverse Ingame YAxis=1 Reverse Minigame YAxis=0 Combat Movement=1 TooltipDelay Sec=1 [config] firstrun=0 [Keymapping] Action286B=8 Action286A=7 Action285B=10 Action285A=9 Action284B=54 Action284A=51 Action283B=54 Action283A=51 Action282B=69 Action282A=73 Action281B=53 Action281A=76 Action280B=69 Action280A=73 Action268=52 Action265=58 Action264=57 Action263=43 Action262=85 Action261=84 Action260=83 Action259=82 Action258=81 Action257=80 Action256=79 Action255=78 Action254=77 Action253=31 Action245=75 Action244=55 Action243=67 Action242=74 Action241=87 Action240=56 Action239=68 Action238=82 Action236=83 Action234=81 Action232=80 Action230=79 Action228=78 Action226=77 Action225=70 Action224=90 Action223=31 Action222=25 Action221=24 Action220=29 Action219=28 Action218=42 Action217=87 Action216=65 Action215=63 Action214=60 Action213=62 Action212=61 Action211=66 Action210=59 Action209=71 Action208=89 Action207=72 Action206=30 Action205=55 Action204=67 [Autopause Options] End Of Combat Round=0 Mine Sighted=1 Enemy Sighted=1 Party Killed=1 Action Menu=1 New Target Selected=1 [Movies Shown] Movie10=0 Movie 9=0 Movie 8=0 Movie 7=0 Movie 6=0 Movie 5=0 Movie 4=0 Movie 3=0 Movie 2=0 Movie 1=0 Movie 0=4 There you go, thats all of it. im trying to find an upgrade for my opengl of the intel card but i cant find hoping this may be the problem because that will get rid of alot of issues with kotor 1 as well as maybe help with kotor 2. but i cant find any info through google...
Sturm Posted April 24, 2006 Posted April 24, 2006 (edited) looks like your RAM [Memory]RAM=256 Status=Warning thats for kotor2 and for kotor1: [Memory]RAM=255 Status=Fail also something is wrong with your graphics try to get the latest drivers and updates for your gfx card. and if you can get more ram about 512 (which is what i run on) also XP runs best on about 712 ram (i think thats the ammount) but then thats if your running on XP, which i am EDIT: strange on the box (kotor1) it says... MEMORY: 128MB RAM for Windows 98 (256 for ME/2000/XP) the more ram the smoother your game runs Edited April 24, 2006 by Revan_Returns
Hassat Hunter Posted April 24, 2006 Posted April 24, 2006 Sorry, but your card is unsupported, as seen by the Vid Card Status=Fail First time I have seen somebody on the boards display that message. Only thing I would suggest is trying 1.0B (you currently have 1.0A) (and get the Gizka fixes afterwards) as it should fix some Intel issues that makes Kotor2 in a pseudo Kotor2 1.2 state (with more glitches)... That's all I can think of, at any rate ^ I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5. TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee
Hassat Hunter Posted April 24, 2006 Posted April 24, 2006 Difficult when he doesn't even HAS that patch " The patch that might be his savior, while being the damnator of many others... ^ I agree that that is such a stupid idiotic pathetic garbage hateful retarded scumbag evil satanic nazi like term ever created. At least top 5. TSLRCM Official Forum || TSLRCM Moddb || My other KOTOR2 mods || TSLRCM (English version) on Steam || [M4-78EP on Steam Formerly known as BattleWookiee/BattleCookiee
ssnake42069 Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 (edited) what do you mean? and why does kotor run so smoothly unless its in a certain area (it chooses the area at random, and its not often, like every 10 or so areas character becomes a pain). Thats not much of a problem. So what do you need me to do? Reinstall then dont patch KOTOR2? because i uninstalled then reinstalled and then updated (the only update it made was the one where the first update news was opo chano voice with the robot thing) so there is a chance that this might work. I will try and i hope your right. Be back in 10. Ok its installed. im gunna start a new game, be back in 5 since i have to quick my character. Nope it still does it. Except after skipping the long time a go screen, it showed the loading screen but it wasnt really there, it was just a quick image and at the bottom it was like the tracking on your vcr sucked. it was all glitchy, and then it went to teh black screen with the sound of the ship and T3 in the background. Edited April 25, 2006 by ssnake42069
Sturm Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 most likely graphics cards, if your graphics card isnt good enough to run the game, then the game most likely crashes, it happens in a lot of similar situations and games
ssnake42069 Posted April 25, 2006 Author Posted April 25, 2006 crap. well anyway my half brother knows this guy who works for u.s. government building computers for them. So im hoping i can get a ton more ram (around 800 or more, because games in the future will need more most likely) and a openGL card (of course its gunna be 1.4 or higher!). If you guys and gals could please tell me a recommended part (graphics card wize) that would be great for all games that has come out before this date, id appreciate it. Oh and it has to have T & L. Just a name and version number would be great! please and thank you.
Deadly_Nightshade Posted April 25, 2006 Posted April 25, 2006 the Nvidia 6800... DN "Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum." -Hurlshot
Possy Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 I have the same problem as well but i have a friend whos playing the game fine witht the same card as and snake here...
Sturm Posted April 26, 2006 Posted April 26, 2006 well about around 700 ram (i dont know the exact number) 700 runs best on XP, and games usually want a minimum of 256, and recommend 512, so having 700 will be yoru advantege. at the moment NVidia are doing pretty well, they have good cheap gfx cards, but im more of an ATI person, when i get my next gfx card, im gona consider NVidia
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