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HELP ME!!! when playing kotor2 theres this problem that frequently occurs...

when im moving around sometimes the character just keeps moving foward. :luck:

and its extremely annoying, it doesnt matter what level or what character either.




please,please help.


It's just graphic lag, thats all. Here's some things that will help.


Upgrade to Windows SP2. Find it at Microsoft Update.


Clear up some HD space if you can, to around 15% free. Suggest reducing your recycle bin size to around 1000 (right click Recycle Bin-> properties, configure drives independently-> C:) Also reduce your system restore to around 1000 as well (right click My Computer-> Properties-> System Restore-> Settings)


Pagefile size: set to at least 1000/1000 preforably on a seperate physical drive from the OS install. (right click My Computer-> Properties-> Advanced-> Preformence/settings-> Advanced-> Virtual Memory/change-> custom)


Update video card driver: driver


Set your video res down to 1024/768


Add this to the "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1" to the swkotor2.ini under [Graphics Options] "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\SWKotOR2"


Do a Disk Cleanup, followed by a Disk Defragmenter. Both app's are found: Start-> Program Files-> Accessories-> System Tools.


Yes it's lag. There are points in KotoR2 where shaders are in higher number. At these points the character due to the hardware unable to keep up with the frame rate and scene changes. This will pause display but the engine will keep moving the character until the two catch up. Or the character keeps moving but the UI locks up until the background processing catchs up with foreground processing.


You are running on a Dx7 vid card (GeForce4 MX is just a slightly faster GeForce2), KotoR2 is set-up to use upto Dx9. Barely any free HD space (Page File: 297MB used, 952MB available---This is suggesting your max free HD space is currently 952), the more free space the more smoothly operations handle on the system. Out date video drivers 77.30, driver version is now up to 84.21. Out date OS version SP1, most current software is configured to run with XP useing SP2 (Sevice Pack 2).


You can also do this. Stop all auto-matic settings for downloads and any other scheduled tasks. Disable/stop any running appllactions that you are not useing from system tray....leave firewall/anti-virus.


I could list off a few pages of tweaks to increase preformence: disable unused system services, registry edits, system configuration settings.

thankyou , but it cant be lag becoase it just keeps on doing it until i bring up and get rid of the opt screen


I think it's just lag... :)

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