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Jagged Alliance 2


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I have decided to reload this old classic. Now is the time to suggest how to play through it ;)



Though, does anyone know what traits my character can get through the IMP interrogation? I'd rather not trial and error each permutation and see what I come up with :(

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Gamefaqs has a faq with all the answers on it and what you get :(


There is a random factor though.


My only suggestion is to hire Gus Tarballs for one day and use him for all he's worth :D


Make sure to buy equipment for him, you can give it to your Merc later ;)


You'll also need a few cheapies to help hold the first town, but Gus is the machine that can clear it :)


If you're lucky you can use him to take the first SAM to :)



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Heh, I always went with the lowbies. I never really had a problem clearing the town either. We'll see :(



Oh, I'm also going to try the 1.13 mod, which is supposed to make things more difficult, as well as unlock tons of weapons and other stuff like that.

Edited by alanschu
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Take Razor! He's insane, but he gets super good after awhile. I remwemver playing through my first game with MD as well. Kid was whiny, but he was an awesome doctor for the price, and he learned to shoot well after a bit.


Steroids is great for the comedy factor.

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I remember Steroids. I used him quite a bit IIRC.


I like him, Ivan, and Shadow in particular. Well, that I can remember anyways.


In any case, where's that faq at GameFaqs. It didn't seem to mention anything about IMP selections.

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The team on the Outset: Gus (for a day), with Barry Unger, Grizzly (I was mistaking Steroids for Grizzly...I like Grizzly), MD, and myself.


For myself, I'm not the most talented, and I'll admit...my aim is mediocre, but I am a bit of a leader. Not the strongest, but I'm super smart, with decent agility and dexterity.


As for bombs and locked doors...keep me away. At least I know what a scalpel is (though not sure what to do with it....).


Night Ops/Stealth for tons of fun.



I'll keep you all updated on my progress.

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I couldn't remember, but it makes sense that a high wisdom will help me learn other skills faster.




In any case, we've touched down in Arulco, and met with minimal resistance. I was able to procure an MP5SD3. It's integral silencer should come in handy for someone stealthy like myself. I was also able to snag myself some sun glasses, to compliment my nightvision goggles at night.


Interestingly enough, we got off to a shaky start with Gus himself clipping Barry with a shot. Grizzly also took a glancing blow as he was ambushed inside of a house. He and I made short work of that guy. All in all though, it's been the Gus Tarball's show. Hopefully we can get to Drassen Airport before the end of the day is out.

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In other news, I'm playing with Airstrikes on (don't remember that option before...it might be part of the mod) and wowee are they nuts. We got hit with one just outside Drassen Airport. Hopefully they'll be less frequent now that we've taken one of the airports.



In any case, it's 1300 hours and we just secured drassen airport. Shouldn't be too long to secure the rest of the town. Gus is pretty sweet at this stage of the game...fighting guys with pistols.

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I think people have been making unofficial patches. They've included Mercs and weapons from Unfinished Business (which I never did get to play unfortunately), and also airstrikes. Air strikes = scary! I'm thinking about restarting. I've only done 3 fights, but 2 have had airstrikes and they blow you around pretty good if you're in the blast. I've only been in one, so we'll see.

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The 1.13 is a massive add-on that was started about 9 months ago. It adds a lot of stuff to the game, enables some stuff that was lost, changes the way certain things are done, fixes a lof of bugs and inconstiencies. ENemies wil now shot you from beyond visual range with sniper rifles for example, using their lead troops as spotters, and you can train your mercs all the way to 100 in all theiri stats if you want.



ANyway it can make the game much harder at the higher difficiulty levels if you are not used to it, but it is also somehwat unbalanced because you can start the game with better equipment and you can get uber items like UVGs in the very first town as drops, and you can have all your mercs with 100 stats across the board. Its your choice really how you want to play it. The store selections options and drop all options are especially unbalancing.



The unbalance tends to even out by the mid to late game.


But some of this stuff might be changed. I haven't been keeping up with the progress of 1.13 really since October.



There are also a bunch of fan made campiagns which are pretty good if somewhat buggy. SOme are as big as the original game itself.


The last official patch is 1.07 which is almost the same as 1.06 just fixes a coulpe things that 1.06 broke.

Edited by CrashGirl
Notice how I can belittle your beliefs without calling you names. It's a useful skill to have particularly where you aren't allowed to call people names. It's a mistake to get too drawn in/worked up. I mean it's not life or death, it's just two guys posting their thoughts on a message board. If it were personal or face to face all the usual restraints would be in place, and we would never have reached this place in the first place. Try to remember that.
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I did find a sound detector and a sweet SMG at the beginning.


I actually like the "drop all" because I was looking for intense realism.


I wasn't able to put my guy's stats all to 100 though, unless I used the external IMP utility. But I could probably find one to do that in basic anyways.

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