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For some reason, I get a LOT of lag on Dantooine--much more than all the other places I've been to at this point (it's my first Jedi planet so far). Is this normal?


Here are all the possibly relevant specs I know:


AMD Sempron 3000+ (2.0 ghz, 512 KB L2, 333 Mhz fsb);

256 MB ATI Radeon X700 Pro, 8X AGP;


120 GB HDD (Samsung)

48x CD-RW/DVD-ROM combo drive.


It happened with KOTOR I as well, dunno if there's a direct correlation since that was Bioware.


Last Chance Graphics Fix

If you are still encountering issues with getting the game to run, there is one last thing you can try which may resolve certain graphics issues if all else fails. Edit your


This also happened to me in one of my savegames. I did what Battlewookie said and it works now. :blink: Thanks.



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I did that a long time ago and it really cleared up many of my problems until I got to Malicore V, and then it started to act weird.

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