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AMD CPUs are not low quality, neither is Intel.


Yeah, neither is really 'inferior' to the other at this point, all depends on what model and what purpose blah blah blah.

I think one of hubby's 'practical' reasons was about support/possible conflicts between hardware or something, just cause Intel's been around longer. I'd have to ask him...but he looks at things from a non-gamer's perspective.



I think that that is part of the problem. It seems Intel is still doing a good job of perpetuating this "lack of support" and whatnot.



It probably didn't hurt that Intel found ways for manufacturers that were adopting AMD solutions to suddenly be in short supply of Intel chips and chipsets shortly afterwards.

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Mums got an AMD64 X2 4000+ with a Geforce 6600, Ive got a regular single core AMD643200+ with a Gf6800u. She gets 20fps at FEAR, I get 40.



processors doesnt matter.

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"I suppose outright stupidity and complete lack of taste could also be considered points of view. "

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