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Is there any way to find out who the False Batu is? I've tried but it's never even come up on a dailog option. Thanks in advance...



"Great intelligence usually goes hand in hand with great stupdity."


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Posted (edited)

Nope. It was probably one of those things that didn't get complete in the game.


You can only get so far by asking

the Duro at the Czerka docks a question and that's it.


Edited by Gabrielle

Quest description:

Jedi have an extremely bad reputation on Dantooine, even worse than it is in the rest of the galaxy. The secret Jedi Enclave on Korriban provoked a brutal Sith occupation during the Jedi Civil War. If that reputation isn't redeemed, it could lead to problems down the road.
Wait... Jedi Enclave on Korriban? :)

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