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Telos Academy

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Hi all I am a newbie in the forum.

I have a problem in the Telos Academy.

When I try to free T3-M4 I get a picture of a guy in a white suite (underwear?). I can not talk to him or do anything. The rest of the dialogs are fine but when you leave Telos you can not activate the map to go to another planet. The space craft

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Hi all I am a newbie in the forum.

I have a problem in the Telos Academy.

When I try to free T3-M4 I get a picture of a guy in a white suite (underwear?). I can not talk to him or do anything. The rest of the dialogs are fine but when you leave Telos you can not activate the map to go to another planet.  The space craft

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I give up.

I deleted all the old save games.

I started before I had to enter the academy.

I played without the patch, I played with the patch and all I get is this underwear guy no T3-M4.

Is their patch, mod or cheat I can use to get further.

I did finish the game as male LS, and did not get the error.

:shifty: <_< >_<

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