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potential story conflict

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It just struck me that Kreia tells Atton that the Exile fought on Dxun, but then also Atton said that the Mandalorian wars started on Dxun... I think it was Atton... Anyhow, according to the story of K1 the jedi didn't join the war until after the Mandalorians had conquered quite a few worlds so how could the Exile have fought on Dxun if that is where the war started? :)

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The Mandalorian Wars started on and were managed from Dxun (according to Exile, it was "the heart of the Mandalorian crusade"), but the Republic only invaded Dxun after the Jedi joined the war. I assume it was in the very end of the war, shortly before Malachor V.

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The Mandalorian camp wasn't left intact. The zone is actually named "Mandalorian Ruins" in the game. The Mandalorians under Canderous may have rebuilt it between K1 and K2.

As for why the Republic didn't watch Dxun... perhaps it was not that important. They wiped the Mandalorians at Malachor, destroyed the Mandalorian outposts on Dxun (although they missed many hidden caches), and had to use all available military in the Jedi Civil War.

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I think Dxun was the first conflict between the Jedi and the Mandalorians.

"They might not call you a Jedi anymore, but believe me, you are. It's not the sort of thing that you just stop being. You're stuck with it, just like you're stuck being the General." ~Bao-Dur, Knights of the Old Republic: The Sith Lords
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