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I really like KOTOR II but the ending makes no sense. What are you a wound or echo, and what is that? What is Malachor, other than a place where you did battle in the past? Is that a sith base? Are they real sith, and if not how are they different? What is a shadow generator? Was it activated or not? What was the remote doing and the other droid for that matter?


Am I the only one that did not get the ending at all?

I really like KOTOR II but the ending makes no sense.  What are you a wound or echo, and what is that?  What is Malachor, other than a place where you did battle in the past?  Is that a sith base?  Are they real sith, and if not how are they different?  What is a shadow generator?  Was it activated or not?  What was the remote doing and the other droid for that matter?


Am I the only one that did not get the ending at all?


The exile is both a wound/echo in teh force, an echo that if used in the right place at the right time could drain all life, as Kreia did to the masters. Kreia wants to exploit this and create another, bigger echo, so she can kill the force, as she hates it, because of what it does to force sensitives.



"Great intelligence usually goes hand in hand with great stupdity."


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