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Started another thread because I didnt want to bog down the first one possible answering questions about pokemon bingo.


First things first. Despite its lame name (come on you know it is) the game itself is anything but. It requires both strategic and tactical thought as well as a knowledge of pokemon types.


The game is set on a board which consists of a series of tiles. These will either be type tiles, such as fire or water. Or ? Tiles which could either contain EP points (entry points required to flip tiles) or a master ball, which allows you to add another pokemon to your team.


If you run out of entry points its game over.


Heres the run through of the very first (beginner card). It may not make that much sense but I'll try to explain things a bit.


You start with a Dragonair (mid level dragon pokemon) with 2 EP points and two master balls.


1. In panel 1 use the Dragonair to catch Charmander with a master ball (this will give you a Charmander with 2 EP's)


2. In panel 5 use Charmander to catch a Treeko.


3. Activate a ? panel to aquire a master ball.


4. In panel 4 use Treecko to defeat Poliwag (grass easily beats water) take the EP and give it to Treecko.


5. Use Dragoniare to catch a Mudkip (using a master ball).


6. Use the Mudkip to beat the Cyndaquil (water beats fire)


7. Use mudkip on ? aquire EP and complete a line (a line awards 1 ep).


8. Use Charmander to beat Bulbasaur (Fire beats Grass)


9. Treecko beats Remoraid (Grass beats Water).


10. Mudkip beats Vulpix (Water beats Fire) another line add EP to Mudkip.


11. ? Panel , give EP to Treecko and Charmander.


12. Mudkip beats Torchic and completes another line. Give EP to Charmander.


13. Treecko beats Squirtle and completes line. Give EP to Treecko.


14. Charmander beats Rosellia complete double line (2 Ep's) Give EP to Charmander and Treecko.


15. Charmander beats Chikorita and completes line. Give EP to Dragonaire.


16. Treecko beats Totodile and clears the board.


This shows three things. How important it is to use the correct pokemon (since if you are defeated you will most likely lose the chance to complete the board)


How important it is to plan a steady supply of EP's by completing lines and double lines.


How important it is to capture other pokemon (because you wont get far with only 2 EP's).



All in all it's a very entertaining , if somewhat time consuming mini game. For those of a less strategic temperament , there is always the battle sims :(


(This is a mini game available in the Realgam Tower in Pokemon XD in case your wondering).

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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