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KOTOR II Music on "The Apprentice"

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Okay kiddies...this is my very first post so go easy and let me know if this should have gone under a different section :D


If anyone caught "The Apprentice" last night, "the Don" had given the two teams the task of promoting Episode III and Battlefront II. During the episode, I could have sworn during a particular segment, they had played a KOTOR II music track in the background (if I'm not mistaken, it was "the sith lords" track (Mark Griskey).


Did anyone else happen to catch that?

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I watched it and I doubt I heard any music other than that of the OT music during the show. I could be wrong however.

It was a very short portion (for lack of a better word). It was the part of the song where its low strings and that creepy piano tune part.


I could be wrong...after all, I had a good buzz going last night, but I'm pretty sure of what I heard.

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