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Statements that incite hatred should be allowed just like all others IMHO. 


Otherwise you open the door for censorship of other things.

Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom of harassment and/or discrimination. And verbal hatred is harassment/discrimination in my book.


I should stress that is my view, and is not some reflection of any other mods.

you're my favourite now.

Edited by Blank
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It seems to me that there isn't enough censorship. It seems to me that the term "liberal" has become a dirty word thanks to the common conservative agenda. Most of the society complains about not knowing what is going on in the government, with the "war," yadda yadda, but even if they did know, they probably wouldn't be able to comprehend the problems, simply because they aren't in that position to make important decisions.

Moreover, some movies these days are pushing the limit on grotesqueness, and frankly from my point of view, obscene. Because of the lack of censorship, I believe that our society has a bloodlust and a overwhelming sense of greed.  :)



You just totally confused me. You are a liberal asking for more censorship?


Also, I think it may be that our greedy bloodlusty nature may be the reason why our democracies are relaxing censorship. We told them to.


No, I never said I was a liberal, I was just stating an opinion. I'm just for civil rights, whatever catagory that falls into is up to you.

Anyway, I think you have a valid point in saying our "nature" is causing the democracies to relax censorship. This is a very funny contradiction, but I suppose the general public finds a distinguishing factor between "entertainment" and government.

words are weightless here on earth

because they're free

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It seems to me that there isn't enough censorship. It seems to me that the term "liberal" has become a dirty word thanks to the common conservative agenda. Most of the society complains about not knowing what is going on in the government, with the "war," yadda yadda, but even if they did know, they probably wouldn't be able to comprehend the problems, simply because they aren't in that position to make important decisions.

Moreover, some movies these days are pushing the limit on grotesqueness, and frankly from my point of view, obscene. Because of the lack of censorship, I believe that our society has a bloodlust and a overwhelming sense of greed.  :p

If a movie is grotesque to you......turn it off, don't go to see it, or change the channel. :)


Think what you want of something, but don't deprive others of it just because you happen to have a different view.

I had thought that some of nature's journeymen had made men and not made them well, for they imitated humanity so abominably. - Book of Counted Sorrows


'Cause I won't know the man that kills me

and I don't know these men I kill

but we all wind up on the same side

'cause ain't none of us doin' god's will.

- Everlast

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how come one should be restricted from one thing, because another can't handle it? I accept laws that prohibits destruction (of life or properity - whatever) ... but why something be banned simply because the majority doesn't like it? screw the majority, I can make up my own mind .. I don't need a state acting like an overprotective mother telling me what is and what is not good for me ..


But I respect that the state draws a line when it comes to theft or killing etc .. since such laws are necessary for humans to coexist!

Fortune favors the bald.

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