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Im stuck on Telos in The Secret Academy


I dont get it.


how do i release Bao-Du from the force cage? cant find any console to deactivate


and cant talk to him?.



allso how do i release T3-M4 from the prison?


probably it's jusy some simple soulution to this :blink:


help is appretiated


If I remember correctly, don't they get released automatically when you enter their room?


After talking to Atris, try talking to one of the Handmaidens and ask them about your friends. See if that triggers it.

"Console exclusive is such a harsh word." - Darque

"Console exclusive is two words Darque." - Nartwak (in response to Darque's observation)


Yes it was this bugg. thanks for the help


sorry fore being repetive with this post, hade miss that previous topic


Yes Lucas Arts we dont need another Patch right

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