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EMP grenades should have been in KOTOR

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You know the electro magnetic field generating grenades from Splinter Cell- Pandora Tommorow? Well, think, all you really need to do is throw one at a Jedi and he can kiss the functionality of his lightsaber goodbye. Then you can pull out a blaster and blast him/her. Or shouldn't ion grenades do that?





Or how about an ion beam lightsaber blade? Well, heh you're gonna win any duels. Just think EMP. Your lightsaber has an ion-energy blade, so when you fight somebody, all you need to do is strike at them. Then when they try to block your swing with their lightsaber, your ion blade will disable their lightsaber and you will slash them. Can you kill a living thing with an ion beam? Or maybe fighting with two lightsabers, a real lightsaber in your right hand and an ion lightsaber in your off-hand. Unless it's the lightsaber hilt you gotta aim at to disable it, it shouldn't be too hard. Just slash at him and when he blocks, lock your lightsabers together and work slowly down to his hands.


Or you can wear an EMP field generating backpack. Thoughts?

Edited by Eddo36
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Such an intelligent topic. :x


A Jedi doesn't rely on just their lightsaber, if an EMP weapon could do anything against it. They have their Force powers to take care of any threat to them.

Edited by MasterRevan

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