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Okay the outline is that when I had Windows ME I had these problems in the Jek Jek Tarr Bar by which the game gradually got slower and slower until I had no control of movement over my character and all of the shots hung in the air for ages. It was basically like really really agressive LAG on sigleplayer minus the internet connection. I thought maybe ME was bugged>


Since then I have installed XP and now the problemhappens when I turn from the hangar on Dantooine onto the settlement area. Help would be much appreciative.

My computer by the way is more than qualified, take my word for it :*


Have you tried lowering your settings to minimum to see if this improves? just in case :wacko: i havent got that far in the game, but i can say that in KOTOR 1 i had a heavy lag in some parts of dantooine, the open field areas. My comp does run the game maxed out fine everywhere else, except this little place. I lowered AA and AF and the lag was gone, and i only did it for that part of the game, since i didnt go there too often.


EDIT: I saw something in the BioWare Forum about this aswell, try looking there. Not sure if i can give you a link, but should be easy to find


I'm guessing this is the problem everyone else is getting and you need to disable the vertex buffering?


TO quote myself from another topic;



I think this is the vertex buffer problem, i get it too.


1: open "swkotor2.ini"


2: scroll down till you find "graphics options"


3: paste this line at the bottom of the list "Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1"


That part of your file should look something like this;

Texture Quality=2
Anti Aliasing=4
Disable Vertex Buffer Objects=1

[Game Options]


This *should* fix it, i belive updating drivers fixed it for some people too.

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