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Dev thoughts on the Nin Revolution Controller


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Would you guys give it a rest already! You already got one thread locked and we don't need this one to go down in flames, because you people can't stop arguing with each other.


In response to Kumquat, I haven't seen anyone as yet whose first reaction was not "WTF!?" or "AHAHAHAHAHA!" :lol:


Really!? I have heard lots of "I'm getting a Revolution now!" kinda stuff. Only my Hardcore X-box buddy didn't like it. There isn't much middle ground for a initial reaction to this.



you guys can go back to getting another one of my threads locked.

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If anyone watches G4, one of the guys (I think his name was Jeff) had a very good point, how do you play a game like Madden on that thing?


I hate quoting IGN for my arguement, but:


Imagine booting up Madden NFL 2007 for Nintendo Revolution and watching your team walk up to the line of scrimmage. You hike the ball with a quick snap of the B trigger, and then you drop your QB into the pocket with the left analog stick. Waving the pointer left and right gives you a quick scan of the downfield receivers on each side of the field. Suddenly you see your man 20-yards down and ready to make his cut to drag across the center of the field. But before you can snap a pass, a linebacker comes crashing through your O line. No problem - hold one of the buttons on your left analog stick to enter scramble mode and break left. Let go and hold the other left button to bring up a passing reticule on-screen. In the blink of an eye, you're able to finely lead your receiver two yards deeper than his route and put the ball just out reach of the cornerback. But rather than hitting a button to pass, simply rear back your pointer and jab it forward at whatever speed you deem necessary to float the pass right into the sweet spot.


Next play -- snap the ball with the B trigger and then watch as your QB hands off to your meaty fullback. While the analog stick could easily function much as previous football sims, now your shucks and jives can be much more intuitive with quick flicks of the pointer. Turbo on the left analog stick buttons, with spins and stiff-arms flowing from A and B. But imagining your quick-steps, jukes, and hurdles coming from quick movements of the pointer seems almost intuitive the more you imagine it. And there's plenty of room for innovation on EA's part here to think outside the box on how a football game has been controlled in the past and how control might become more seamless in the future.





There is a reason no one watches G4...or should


BTW, it's been confirmed that the analog attachment will ship with the console. The only question is if the "regular controller" attachment comes with it as well.

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"BTW, it's been confirmed that the analog attachment will ship with the console. The only question is if the "regular controller" attachment comes with it as well."


According to Ender it does.


"you guys can go back to getting another one of my threads locked."


When you think about it, two threads for one thing is too much, isn't it?


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According to Ender it does.


With all due respect, IGN and Gamespot don't seem to know that. Unless I missed something.


When you think about it, two threads for one thing is too much, isn't it?


One was to discuss it, which was highjacked.


This one was asking the devs their thoughts. I was hoping to see if they thought this might be something that would be fun to develop for or if they look at it as a joke. Or in between.


Then this became the old thread because you guys carried the arguement into this one. :thumbsup:

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Would you guys give it a rest already! You already got one thread locked and we don't need this one to go down in flames, because you people can't stop arguing with each other.


In response to Kumquat, I haven't seen anyone as yet whose first reaction was not "WTF!?" or "AHAHAHAHAHA!" :-


Really!? I have heard lots of "I'm getting a Revolution now!" kinda stuff. Only my Hardcore X-box buddy didn't like it. There isn't much middle ground for a initial reaction to this.


I never said they didn't like it. I just described the first reaction. :-

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