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I get a black screen after the first preview of the game when ebon hawk goes threw black outs the screen here music send error thing comes up but i dont know what the problem i hvae a intell 842589 something graphics card all updated but i donno what to do pleasee help!

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intell 842589 something graphics card

That's an Intel Integrated graphics card and in the whole scope of graphics it is a piece of junk!

You may have a good processor, lots of RAM and all that sort of stuff but for gaming you're gonna need a real dedicated graphics card - it doesn't have to be a GeForce 6800 or an ATI X850XT but anything is better than integrated.


There's a thread somewhere here about Intel cards so if you're broke like me and can't afford a graphics card then go for a forum search.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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