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haha detroit

There is nothing funny about detroit losing 1,900 teachers. its a tragedy, which only makes there future harder. The government is not sending the money detroit needs for its education system.


You're right there is nothing funny about it any more, and a tragedy... absolutely! But think about the reason why a govt would deprive it's children, and therefore it's future from proper education. The only answer I can muster is, that they knownling want to keep their citicens and future voters ignorant to what is realy going on. I mean, as long as only a select few is entiteled to an education worth mentioning, and I don't mean a public school with over 1500 to 2000 kids and a bunch of unmotivated teachers, the govt has perfect control of them. I have to quote a Propaghandi song on this, "knoledge tends to democratize". :blink:"


I hope I didn't offend any teachers, as I know there are are always those who try hard to not only work through the text book, but try to encourage individual thought. But the mere fact that the schools are overcrowded and teachers are still being let go will not ad to the remaining teachers motivation.


But don't feel isolated. This is a trend that is spreading through out our so called free and democratic world. So thanks alot Mr. Bush, for defending this freedom by distracting from the real problem and pointing far overseas. >_<


***an american living in selfchosen exile***


We are a funny species .. so preoccupied with ourselves that we forgot ourselves .. ironic really ..

Fortune favors the bald.


I like the quotes you two o:)


"I have to quote a Propaghandi song on this, "knoledge tends to democratize". "


"We are a funny species .. so preoccupied with ourselves that we forgot ourselves .. ironic really .."


I'm going to have to memorize these. >_<

Always outnumbered, never out gunned!

Unreal Tournament 2004 Handle:Enlight_2.0

Myspace Website!

My rig


Ya well its about time that you plant that mechanic virus

---Jesus Saves, Gretsky Scores


Another reason why their is little want by the government to reform education is that it would effect recruiting by the military.


The U.S. military does most of its recruiting in poorer school districts, where because of their inferior educations the people are left with fewer opportunities. If everyone was on "equal ground" then there would most likely be less opportunity to take advantage of peoples economic "shortcomings" to feed the U.S. expansionary policies. Those being the policies formed by the rich

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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