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Repeating Blaster Rifle bug? (minor spoilers)

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Recently came across a repeating blaster rifle on the Harbinger (first time I've played this or any KoTOR game) and noticed it said something about increasing firepower without extra equipment or some such. Not having fired it yet, and noticing the only *visible* improvement over a regular blaster rifle was +1 minimum damage, I tracked down Kotor Tool and dug into the .uti files. Finally found it, and in the "description" section of the .uti file there's a little blurb saying it adds an extra attack per round, at a cost of -2 AB overall (IE, 2 attacks at -2 AB each).

So, I try it out on the sith assassins running around... and as far as I can tell, it doesn't work. Oh, it fires off double shots (I see six bolts per round) but it's not reflected in the damage. It's not doing 2 hits per round, and the 1 hit per round it *is* doing is not double power (lots of 2 damage, which should be 4 if I'm getting 2x attack damage..)

and hardly anything over 12... and those I'm chalking up to criticals.


So, is this another bug? Or am I missing something?


Frankly, I have to agree with everyone who says this game was rushed. It doesn't "feel" complete, and I'm not even talking about the endings or anything- I've run in to all sorts of oddities and annoyances that should have been ironed out in QA testing... Missing information, poor balance, buggy scripts/engine (you have no idea how badly I wanted to go Dark Side on that damn Czerka employee in the old military base), wierd(buggy) cutscene camera angles/scripting... Frankly, LA deserves all the bad rep they get if they did rush this, and if they didn't and Obsidian considers this "complete"... well then, Obsidion has a lot to learn about making quality games :)

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Ehm, well if it is not in the description or effect screen "ingame", only in a Discription(! Not effect) of a script, it is not supposed to happen it seems...

Most likely they edited the gun and removed that effect, but kept it in the file's description (as almost nobody would read that anyway), yet not "ingame description" due to it not being in effect...


Check the logs (quest screen, press logs) to see what it specifically does...

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Two things:

- The PC gains +1 AB every level. It would not be unbelievable that your PC is missing quite frequently at the low levels before leaving Peragus.

- The +1 can be augmented (and indeed penalized) by modifications added to the weapon (scope, chamber, power source) -- unless it is a "non-modifiable", in which case sell it or break it down in preference for on that is.




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One Thing-


Just tested the weapon again, and it acts like a normal Blaster Rifle with +1 minimal damage


-No Extra Attack

-No Attack Penalty

Well, if you have corroborated those findings with the combat log, then either:

- that particular weapon isn't working as designed, or

- no repeater blasters work as described.


I'm far too lazy to check whether the repeating blaster actually increases the firing rate; although I do seem to recall it doing so (no independent documentatry evidence, however -- perhaps it was the multi-shot feat?). Perhaps it is just this weapon? What happens if you use the multi-shot feat?




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Well, if you have corroborated those findings with the combat log, then either:

- that particular weapon isn't working as designed, or

- no repeater blasters work as described.


I'm far too lazy to check whether the repeating blaster actually increases the firing rate; although I do seem to recall it doing so (no independent documentatry evidence, however -- perhaps it was the multi-shot feat?). Perhaps it is just this weapon? What happens if you use the multi-shot feat?


Rapid Shot?

You'll get 2 attacks... (instead of 1)


I meant using the rapid shot (thankyou) feat in conjunction with the repeating blaster

It gives 2 attacks, like any other Blaster Rifle...

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It only hits once per round at 2-12 damage. That's that. Rapid shot works just as it would on any other blaster, giving 2 attacks. The rifle itself does not add an extra attack and an AB penalty. It's either buggy, or else intentional and Obsid got sloppy.

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It only hits once per round at 2-12 damage. That's that. Rapid shot works just as it would on any other blaster, giving 2 attacks. The rifle itself does not add an extra attack and an AB penalty.  It's either buggy, or else intentional and Obsid got sloppy.





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