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Ok, I bought the game just two days ago, and installed it yesterday, since then I've been looking for a solution to my first problem with the game. After I've boarded the Ebon Hawk for the first time, and taken on the sith troopers who board the game cuts to a black screen...if I press the 'windows' key and minimise it I get a brief view of the screen, before it minimises, the game still responds...I can hear the canon firing, and sith troopers firing at me. I've tried leaving it for a while, pressing 'ALT+F4' and 'ESC', I can see the menu, but not the subject on the screen...I've installed the patch, but still nothing. I've taken all the advice, switched the grass off and reduced the graphics to their lowest levels, any help would be appreciated and I offer my thanks in advance.


Hmm. I wish I could be more help. It sounds like a problem with your video....or more specifically, the ingame movies. After defeating the sith that boarded, you should cut to a movie to see the EH leaving. Sounds like the game be locking up and looping at this point.


EDIT> post your specs


Seeing as we don't know your specs it's dificult to help. Off the top of my head you could try disabling mocies and updating to the latest graphics driver.

Seeing as we don't know your specs it's dificult to help.  Off the top of my head you could try disabling mocies and updating to the latest graphics driver.


Thanks guys, no need to post my specs, I've sorted the problem now, and completed the game. Thanks for your help :p

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