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I just finished up my first run through the game as an LS female, and I've definitely turned into a BD fan. ;)


The problem is (and this may just be my horribly fuzzy memory) I don't quite understand his backstory. Was he the sole designer and builder of the original Mass Shadow Generator? He seemed to be there when The Exile ordered it used- in fact, personally activated it- but on the other hand, I seem to have picked up the idea somewhere that The Exile was the only survivor of the resulting disasterous cataclysm.


And what's with his description as a "mechanic" or "just a tech"?! Given that kind of backstory, it's like calling the scientists on the Manhattan Project "lab assistants".


*clutches her head*


I'm going to have to play through again, just to get it straight. Am I misinterpreting something here?

The Exile was the sole *Jedi* survivor of Malachor V. The other Jedi present didn't manage to survive the backwash of so many deaths.

Ahhhhhh. So he was force sensitive at the time (talks about all the pain he could feel around him as everyone died) but not yet a Jedi, so it didn't impact him as greatly.


I can buy that.


Can anyone fill me in on what happened to him in the end game, though? We were travelling around just fine, then when it all comes to a crashing, sudden close, poof: Kreia forgets he exists, and all we see is BD via remote. o_0 *boggle*

We cannot, the ending was cut so Bao-Dur was either dead/ could not leave the Ebon Hawk due to injury/was busy repair the Hawk.





I require a smiley that drops to its knees and shakes its fist in impotent rage at the cold, bleak universe. These are insufficient.


Well it was cut, we seen pieces here and there and managed to reconstract some parts.


Of the original ending only Mira and the Remote remain, all the rest was cut (including Hk-47 facing GO-TO) so there we can only guess what happened to Bao-Dur since he was not in any known cut ending scenes (there is one were the Atton, Handmaiden/Disciple, Visas and Mira face Kreia and are beaten).


So since T3 is absent as well we can assume T3 part was fixing the Hawk, leaving only Bao-Dur to remain to be explained, so either he remianed with T3 fixing the Hawk or was knocked out of the game, either by injury or death.


Since starting the Mass Shadow Generator was pretty much a suicide mission I can see him given the Remote the order to start the generators and wait the Exile command since he was the only that could do it and the only with the best chance to survive, seeing Bao-Dur was in a holo its possible that he was knocked out.

Since starting the Mass Shadow Generator was pretty much a suicide mission I can see him given the Remote the order to start the generators and wait the Exile command since he was the only that could do it and the only with the best chance to survive, seeing Bao-Dur was in a holo its possible that he was knocked out.


I hope so. I'm glad, at least, the option remains for a zabrak cameo in KOTOR 3.


The really sad thing is, giiven that the whole Atton death scene was cut, the BD/remote dialogue there was just about the only emotionally charged part of the plot wrapup. :ermm: He may not have had much to say to the Exile, but I know he loved that damned remote.


"You have done... all.... I asked. All you were built for. And for that, I thank you."

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