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Ok, let me post Alaric's build and Jorias Kell's build:

I use a number of mods for maximum enjoyment of K2, all from www.pcgamemods.com


Alaric Qel-Droma:

Jedi Guardian

STR: 15

DEX: 14

CON: 12 (This is where I put ALL of my level-up points until I hit 18 for my uber-implant)

INT: 12

WIS: 14

CHA: 12

Skills: 10 Each

(I use KSE to give me this tiny little boost, but NOTHING else)


Implant: Universal D-Package (Gives +2 to all Stats)

Head: Force Visor (This gives massive reinforcement to your Force ability, and yes, it is a normal game item...Well, ok, maybe not quite so "normal" since it almost never appears unless you get very very lucky, I will use Bindo's Band as alternative if the Visor does not appear)

Gloves: Dominator Gauntlets or Sith Power Gauntlets if I give the Dom's to Atton or Bao-Dur

Right Arm: PC's Armband

Left Arm: Renewable Arkanian Shield (Special item from RedHawke's Beginning Items Mod, basic Arkanian shield that has infinate charges...Not the most effective and drains fast later on, but of course it can be turned on again)

Right Hand: Sith Marauder Longsaber (PC Crystal, Sith Marauder Crystal [From Prestige Items&Robes mod], and Qixoni Crystal, with several mod-only components to make this saber do 35-120 damage)

Left Hand: Identical to Right except that instead of Qix, it has Upari or Hoth Ice Crystal.

Belt: Immortality Belt or Inertial Inhibitor

Armor: Sith Marauder Robes (Bonded Plates Mark-4, Bio Underlay Mark-5)


At the end-game, Alaric has 750 HP and 600 FP (give or take a few that I rounded off), 40-135 Right damage\+45 Attack, 35-120 Left Damage\+43 Attack, 46 Def, has all the critical Force chains mastered (I always master Lightning, Drain Life, Speed, Battle Med., Energy Resist, Force Resist, and Mind Trick, and Force Persuade no matter what class I use), and is level 32. He uses Resilience when facing non-Jedi/Sith, and Juyo when facing single enemies or melee enemies.


Alaric always gets a full-on critical with his right hand, normally doing between 250 and 300 damage with Master Speed and Master Flurry, and his left does between 75 and 130, but almost never scores a critical for some reason that I cannot explain or compute (Even though the mod-only parts are identical...?)...


I have full-on influence with everyone except Mira since she's never in my phar-tay...Bao is Marauder of course (I use Prestige Padawans mod, always ;)), and my usual phar-tay is Atton and Brianna, or I can take my uber-Kreia if I want the extra EXP's.


My phar-tay for the tomb is Brianna, Bao, and HK-47 (HK pwns with Envida's 1.3 Complete Mods).


I rarely use LS, but I do identical stuff with LS physically, and I of course spam Wave instead of Lightning/Drain, and use Stasis when I need to (which is almost never...I like my food to be alive when I devour it...Kah'Pla! :devil: )...


If you want my list of mods I use, then here they are (I use these to maintain a sense of balance because I use the Hardcore mod normally at Moderate or Hard settings, and I always make the in-game difficulty set to hard):

1. Mandalore's Mandalorians (Basically changes the models of the normal Mandal's to be red, blue, and yellow versions of Mandalore's armor, really cool effect I think)

2. DS 3-Pack (Pwnage with the Sith Preist look and the maul-ish Bao)

3. Hanharr Refined (Makes Hanharr's fur darker and more dramatic)

4. Military Spec HK-xx (This pwns, changes the HK-50's into Jungle Camo and HK-47 into Urban Camo :devil: )

5. Mira Re-Skin (It's the one where Mira gets more of a red-gold hair color for more drama, and a purple-ish clothing scheme...Makes her look more dramatic and if she goes DS, hehehe...She pwns with this skin)

6. Monster Packs 1 and 2 (These are simply mandatory)

7. Prequel Saber Blades (Mandatory, hands-down)

8. Anti-Speed Blur (Mandatory, I hate that effect, but I of course need my 4.3 Frame Buffer stuff from my personally modified ATI drivers)

9. Crush FX (This is the first one posted, the one posted yesterday is just butt-ugly, sounds like the inside of the fetus, the new one does :ph34r: ), and I modded the spells.2da to support it.

10. Demolitions-Based Grenades and Wrist Launcher (This bases your grenades, mines, and Wrist Launcher damage totals on your demolitions skill level...Makes for far more dramatic battles as your enemies get tougher...And allows you to do mega-damage if you pump up your Demo)

11. Hardcore Mod (I usually use the Moderate settings with the game set to hardest...Although when I want more of a fight, I use the harder settings that Beancounter made)...

12. Vader's Saber Hilt (This thing just makes having a Red Saber totally f'n Pwn :devil: )


These are the larger mods I use:

1. Prestige-Class Robes&Items Pack (This is simply mandatory if you use Hardcore...I seriously hate the Exiles Item Pack mod because it's way over-balanced, but this mod is FAR more reasonable in terms of balance)

2. Beginning Items Pack (This gives you various vibro-weapons and other cool stuff so you can get on your feet faster...Like K2 *SHOULD* have been...)

3. Prestige Padawans Mod (This allows you to make your friends to be a Prestige Class if their light/dark alignment goes under 30 or over 70...Makes for some genuinely kick-ass pwnage material. Want to see a REALLY deadly Atton...? :devil: )

4. Envida's 1.3 Complete Mods (This is really fun because it allows you to have some extras mainly for HK-47, which are a total nessisity if you use Hardcore, and since you need to hack apart the game to get to the Droid Factory to get HK's special rifle, this mod makes things better because it means you don't have to cheat to get the items you need for everyone's favorite Droid)

5. Skip Peragus Mod (This is one of the more original skip Peragus mods...It gives you some very balanced items and stuff to start the game with, the items are weak-ish, but they help you out a bit, and those HK parts really help you of course...I can't live without HK early-on....GIVE ME MY HK DROID OBSIDIAN DAMN YOU!! :devil::devil: )


It's too bad there is no new story stuff if you have HK early-on...I am going to write my own mod for allowing this...I want to have some very witty HK remarks if you activate him early as he meets the other HK units :devil:


Jorias is identical build to Alaric, except that he goes Sith Lord instead of Marauder...Now, it's really not much different because my Alaric build has so many god-damned force points and is equally as deadly as Jorias is, but Jorias normally has Force Confusion, which, combined with Atton, Mira, or Visas, can make for a VERY fun game ;)


LOL, I had the majority of the Royalists guarding me throughout much of the battle to give the General his place over the snobby Queen :devil:


It was also funny to manipulate the Boma's to attack the Sith in the tomb...Pwned :devil:


I always use Guardian first because I really think the extra feats are monumentally important to your initial gameplay if you're using Hardcore.


Thanks to the other mods I use, I get a high-enough CHA to balance out my attack force powers...I think by the time I finished Nar, Dxun, and Dant and was just doing the palance invasion, I had Force Storm doing 80 damage to every enemy it got casted at, well, at least those who didn't manage to resist it thanks to Hardcore ;)


I love giving Storm to Atton and running down the Palace with Atton and Kreia and Me all spamming Storm all the time :devil:


LOoool, it was really pwnage time when the only attacks that went on was Storm throughout half the Palace mission...ahahahahah.....FRIED HUMAN PLATTER!! :devil:

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