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Mira vs. Kreia

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Why does Kreia want Mira dead and sends Hannhar to kill her on Malachor. Why bother she doesnt want to kill anyone else of your NPCs.


If you play as a Grey jedi do you have any force powers just for that class or its just LS/DS ( you do finde alot of grey jedi robes)

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Kreia can see into the future and there is something special about Mira's future which obviously disturbs her. Whether she is actually preparing her to face that future , or is trying to kill her isnt really clear.


As a Grey Jedi you dont really have any advantages.


Regardless of which side you are on, you can use any force powers (the only difference being the cost) later in the game the extra cost becomes negligable.

I have to agree with Volourn.  Bioware is pretty much dead now.  Deals like this kills development studios.


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