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That's what I do to race, and win and don't get any bug.


Save before trying.


1> Never run the test course.

2> Press jump key before green light (seems to correct the swoop bugged starting position).

3> Reload if hit a wall or mine (seems to correct one of the too unfinished race message).

4> Try to hit finish line in the center/right (seems to correct one of the two wrong race message; maybe the invisible line is misplaced on the left and won't let you go as far as u must when u finish a race).

5> Never "forfeit" a race.


It works for me ^_^


Suprisingly I was able to beat the champ on Onderon. I was playing DS & thought I'd get some little special screne to promote General Vaklu's cause. But nope, just ended with me being made champ with track record blah blah....But the Telos track I can only get as close as runner up there. 43 something is the fastest I've been able to get. 41 seconds just seems to be beyond reaching even if the course was just a perfectly straight line with no obstacles.

(Dual-Boot)Windows XP Pro (32 - Bit) SP3 & Windows Vista Ultimate (SP 1) 64 Bit | Intel Dual Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 2.4 Ghz | 8 GB Corsair DDR 3 Ram 1600 mhz | GeForce 9600 GT 512 MB PCI Express X 3 SLI enabled | NVidia Forceware Drivers 181.22| EVGA nForce 790I-SLI Ultra MOBO | Thermalake 850 Watt PWR |


I would like to add to the first post that forfeiting a race means your doom for that game.

Believe me, I tried. I raced hella lotta times on Telos. I became so good that all my times were 40 seconds.

But I could never get it registered.

Now in my new game, I raced in as Telos Champ in 3 tries :(


When I race, many of the boost platforms on the track don't register that I've gone over them. I could beat the Telos time IF they would register hits, but most of the time I simply pass over the speed boost without gaining any speed. It's pretty annoying, since it means I can't win the swoop races no matter what I do, but at least it doesn't really affect the game (unless there is a swoop racing quest that nets you some goodies that I haven't heard about because I have avoided spoilers).

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