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In effect, the alignment system of Kotor2 as it is can't handle neutral characters.


For example, a PC playing the "Jolee style" would be stuck in passivity.


On the other hand, imagine how many cruel acts you can do, then outweigh this by some very good deeds and just keep being *neutral*?


So neutrality is not a real option in Kotor1/2.


Right, and that's the point. There would have to be a real plot option incorporated for people who want to be 'neutral'. Not necessarily meaning 'undecided' or 'apathetic', or meaning someone who swings back and forth between good and evil, but rather someone who doesn't agree with either Jedi or Sith teachings. In the PnP SW RPG, there's a Force Adept class that lets you play as a force user without actually being a Jedi. I can see something like that where Force powers are developed without a strong connection to a particular creed.


Jolee was more "I dont want to get involved", he was not neutral looking to maintain some balance of good and evil and we was not going to allow the Sith to just run over the galaxy, few neutral persons are stupid enough to take evil over good.


Jolee knew what the Sith were.


Besides what would be the decision for a neutral character when we have two simple choices, Republic (along with the Jedi) or the Sith ... the end game is just look at the end boss and day "ok I am just going to watch what happens".


I dont like being forced into being a Jedi to defect the Sith, if I was Revan at the end of KotOR I would say to the Order to stuff their knighthood.


I'm currently playing a gray force user. I began with a dark side user, became sith marauder at first planet (Korriban) and did the revan's tomb. After that, some dialogues with Visas and a another planet and I'm now in the middle. I can choose neutral answers and feel more free in my choices as it doesn't matter to gain LS or DS points. It was fun in Nar Shadaa, the jedi there didn't know if I was there to help people or to help the Exchange. I had the opportunity to kill him or to let him live. Since he was nice and didn't seem to be dangerous I let him live... but I'm not sure Vrook will live a long life.


In many dialogues there are neutral side answers. But that's sure that many situations offer only the choice between two groups ( Mercenaries or not in Dantooine, Voluk or the Queen in Onderon) but in Nar Shadda, you can play both sides, more or less.

Besides, to be neutral you don't have to kill innocent people to gain a few dark side points. There are many dialogues where the 'rational' answer is a dark side one.

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