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Another Darth Nihilus rant


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Before getting the game, I saw the pictures of him, and read the description that he is so powerful, he could lay waste to an entire planet. He was well drawn, his mask and hood just looks great. Really gives a sinister feeling, a death head's mask.


Even when Marr said that he is so powerful, the party was like insects to him, barely can get his attention. Only planets and stars was large enough to get his

focus. What a build up. They should show a cutscene where he drained Marr's planet. Then he falls like a baby to my party in 20 seconds.


What a let down. What a loss of potentially making him a fascinating villain. Instead just some bozo with a mask who got killed easily. I wonder what the fuss all the jedi council was complaining about.


I was expecting him to be the last boss, just in his presence you should automatically lose health to him because of his power to drain life. Or see him killing Kreia because he saw through her betrayal. After you slain him, you take his mask. If you play the DS you could take his place and power since you both are the 'wound' in the force. Then show cutscene where you kill a planet yourself. That is what I expecting after the excellent KOTOR1. Obsidian had the talent to do it.


I am playing the DS my 2nd time through, but so far, I've little incentive to play it over again, I was so disappointed the 1st time through...

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You can't expect a KOTOR game to not have a twist right? Atleast in its current form, it rises above the boring cliche of good vs. evil/kill the dark lord to save the galaxy. If Nihilus had been the last enemy, it would have been way too predictable.

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You can't expect a KOTOR game to not have a twist right?  Atleast in its current form, it rises above the boring cliche of good vs. evil/kill the dark lord to save the galaxy.  If Nihilus had been the last enemy, it would have been way too predictable.


Malek was the last villian in KOTOR1, it was no suprise. The twists does no good if the audience does not get the 'coolness' factor. In the SW movies, we all know who the enemies were. Its the anticipation of fighting a mysteriously powerful enemy, someone who destroyed the Jedi, someone who consumes entire worlds.


For me personally, that was the single biggest failing point for KOTOR2, I didn't really cared what happened next when I realized Keira and Scion were the last enemies.

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