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Yay, my first post on Obsidian forums!


OK, I just finished my first ever K2 game. Now I was gonna post about how I found the game overall but there are already heaps of those, and yes, I found a lot of unanswered holes and stuff. My contribution to that sort of discussion is that I found the game kinda Matrix trilogy-like, where the later movies completely twist the impression from K1.


Anyway, because it was my first game, I have no idea what's normal or not, especially with the newish K2 party conversation format. After I completed Dantooine as my planet ("first Master"), I went to Nar Shadaa and things just seem to unravel in my game. Some of the obvious bugs which spawned at various times were:

- an un-interactive Mira clone standing out

- above, Hanharr clone

- T3 would move around the ship even when you told him not to (he will move around again every time you load the Ebon Hawk)


And then probably more annoying were the character "issues". If these are commonly discussed bugs, give me a link or just say 'common bug'.

- All my character conversations seem to reset. For instance, after getting Handmaiden to get a Jedi level, I went back to talk later and it was all the normal options like "I have an oath to Atris" (ie, pre-Jedi talk). I was convinced it was a bug when I had to get her to pull out her Handmaiden robe again, and ended up having 2 of them.

- Conversations with Mandalore, Goto, Mira and Visas never changed besides from the ones where they approach you or cutscene.

- Atton lost all his options after talking about playing Pazaak in his head (and didn't seem to close up talking to him)

- Got Vobba to supply Telos, but Grenn (and everyone else) have nothing to say, and later during the attack say there's no new fuel source

- Handmaiden was my original Vobba dancer, and when I discovered the Vobba's stash quest with the Juma juice, I went with Mira but couldn't get the "I have a dancer for you" option. I had it once only before but it was before I found out about it.

- Another unfinishable quest: TSF Criminals, couldn't reach surface again.


there are probably more, but in the end, I ended up missing heaps of conversation, and my low influence (cos it never seemed to be Sucess), made me lose a lot of history linkage talk, especially with Kreia, HK and T3.


Pure Pazaak - The Stand-alone Multiplayer Pazaak Game (link to Obsidian board thread)

Pure Pazaak website (big thank you to fingolfin)

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