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%$&#^$!!!!!! HElp! crash! need help!

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ok heres my problem. please tell me any solutions you might have. I have the latest Omega drivers (5.1). When i start KOTOR 2 its all fine and dandy. Then i click new game. yay! everything works so far. then i create my character. Everything is still working! then i watch that long "in a galaxy far far away" video, by this point im relaxing in my chair anticipating whats in store for me with this great game. Then when i see the ship flying off into the asteriod fields next to that um burning planet it fades to black

. Ok the interior of the ship appears for a sec but no! SMACK! i get slapped in the face with a error message from Windows saying that Kotor II has encountered a problem and needs to close. and Kotor dies as i click "do not send". AHHHHHHHHHH help!

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