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Just beat the game not 5 minutes ago, a wee bit anti-climatic, but not bad. Watching that biotch fall into the pits of Malachor was awesome. But i'm mad cuz of that secret tomb in the cave of korriban. My friend just told me revan was there... Kreia told me i couldn't go in, even though i explored the academy and was far along in my journey... So now i gotta play all over again just to see revan... i was going to play again anyway, so hopefully i'll remember this time. Anybody else think Nihilus and Sion were WAY too easy?

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Sion actually killed me once. But only because I didn't know he regenerated. I din't bother taking any health stim paks figuring he would die. And then I figured he had to die after 3 times, he didn't.


I'm vary anal about taking health stims. I never use them unless absolutely necessary. I don't like to waste them (even though I get so many)

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