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Lost my savegames!!


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I got bored about 2/3 through and decided to start a new game. When that game crashed I started up but could only chose quicksave and autosave. All of my savegames were gone! I looked in the save folder and there are five savegame folders, the quicksave and autosave plus savegame1, 2, + 3. Why doesn't the program recognize the previous savegame folders?

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I got bored about 2/3 through and decided to start a new game. When that game crashed I started up but could only chose quicksave and autosave. All of my savegames were gone! I looked in the save folder and there are five savegame folders, the quicksave and autosave plus savegame1, 2, + 3. Why doesn't the program recognize the previous savegame folders?

because they are stored under a different character, if you look on the bottom of the load screen (saying its the same setup as the Xbox its on the bottom right hand corner) it should give you an option to change your characters do this and you should find you saved game. The devs did this to help keep people from saving over game saves.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"



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I got bored about 2/3 through and decided to start a new game. When that game crashed I started up but could only chose quicksave and autosave. All of my savegames were gone! I looked in the save folder and there are five savegame folders, the quicksave and autosave plus savegame1, 2, + 3. Why doesn't the program recognize the previous savegame folders?

because they are stored under a different character, if you look on the bottom of the load screen (saying its the same setup as the Xbox its on the bottom right hand corner) it should give you an option to change your characters do this and you should find you saved game. The devs did this to help keep people from saving over game saves.


Lol, wow. Good call on the different character slots, but maybe they should have mentioned that in the tutorial. Or maybe they did and I somehow missed it. I've only been referencing the book for stuff like the saber stances. I just got on again to whine about how I too got bored about 2/3 through and thinking of some new creation possibilities and models and cheating to see what they'd look like as evil, I tried the same thing.. screen glitched so I closed the game and when I came back for my old game? Nothing! I was speechless and stunned for a moment. Whew.


Edit: Arg new problem for me. Wierd screen glitch wouldn't go away until I changed resolutions from 1024x768 to 800x600. I've played most of the game with the previous setting. Switched it back to 1024x768. Same problem. Changed refresh rate from 85 (My monitors max) to 60 which is the lowest it goes and it worked. There was this flickering graphical scrolling glitch. Tried some other 3D games with no problems at all. 5.1 drivers on ATI 9800 pro.


Awesome game Obsidian, but good god, give us a patch!

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