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I play as a LS-Male and...HK was one of my fav-chars in KotoR 1.

But how can I get any kind of influence at him, without getting DS-Points?

Is there a possibility?...in any way?

I'm even happy, if there is a way where I get a LS- and a DS-Point, so it's neutral in the end...I just want to get some influence on this crazy droid without being too much sith. Or cheating with the console.


His definition of love is nice...good old HK-47. :)


As he asked me about Malachor, I said that I wouldn't be proud of it. Since this I lost no influence.

I heard, that you could get an influence-point (without DS), if you are rude to him in the way of saying him that you would "kill" him if he wouldn't shut up...where is the option for this conversation?


I believe you have to gain some more influence with him so that he may talk about his old master, Revan. Then, I think when you decide to end the conversation about Revan (after exhausting all dialog options that you can), he asks you if he could bother you for another question, and you are given the option to say 'if anyone else asks me a question to slow down my journey, I'll kill them.' - or something to that likeness. Then, he is absolutely pleased with your response and you gain influence. There is one spot that I've heard you can gain influence with HK and receive lightside points. I've haven't tried it yet, but it's on Dantooine.


After you find the hydrospanner in the droid squadron in Khoonda, and talk to the owner of the item (make sure you have HK in your party) and spare him, HK will disapprove. But I hear you still get influence with him anyway. However, the most common way to gain influence is to do things that involve...killing everything.


And yes, his definition of love is classic. :(


Hope that helped a bit.


Also, if you save Kumas on the hilltop, HK will disapprove...but you still gain influence as well as LS points. I've only tested this on the XBOX version so far, so I can't guarantee success on the PC version. :(


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