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First I would like to point out the fact that I consider dialog a cut scene.


For the most part the cut scenes were good with a few exceptions. I speak of the getting shot down sequence over Telos where it is split in to five shots that don't flow from one to another. Also the good ones were on the short side which made them feel choppy.


Watching the dialog was... how do I say it.... boring. There where times I had to read something because I had missed it and nodded off. It was forgivable in KOTOR but something needed to be done about it in the sequel. Also when they do engage in some action it most time makes no sence and it makes them look like idiots when they have soemthing in their hands. Facial expressions and movment need to be add to compliment the excellent voice acting.


The back grounds need to be fixed. When after wathcing them for a few seconds and being able to tell what is going to happen next is a little sad. It really is a downer when you consider how good things could have looked when they had things like space battles to work with.


Lastly the animations. The fighting was great but when I kill someone and they get back up to fall down again is a little stoopid. Also you do look retarded when you use force crush and instead of the pulsing electric energy coming from your hand it comes from you elbow.


Please post responses


hmmmmmm, well to me a cut screen is exactly that, when the game CUTS to a different screen and plays a short movie.


I thought the cut screens were fantasically done (same as Part 1s were).


They added to the immersion of the game, added to the storyline, were relivant and nicely made.


Not sure what else you could ask for.


Ive seen other games that people liked that had by far and away worse cut screens that were in there just for filler sake and offered up nothing towards the storyline. So gotta say Obsidian and Bioware should both be complimented for doing a quality job.


As for backgrounds? I think Knights 2 was done better. I didnt run into any missing graphics that were just a black hole (to look at) like I did in Part 1, So what were you looking for? The backgrounds fit the area you were in, were drawn nicely, looked great. Thats all I expect from backgrounds to be honest.

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