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Ok I'm on Malacore v and i was thinking...with your bond with Kriea shouldn't you did too when you kill her...and also your are told that since you are an echo in the force that when you die you would wipe out everything that is connected with the force, which is of course everything in the galaxy..... So again you killing Kriea should kill you as well..... I'm sooo confused....Oh and by the way does anything come from Atton's past... I never can get him to tell me if he was a murderer or not...

Ok I'm on Malacore v and i was thinking...with your bond with Kriea shouldn't you did too when you kill her...and also your are told that since you are an echo in the force that when you die you would wipe out everything that is connected with the force, which is of course everything in the galaxy..... So again you killing Kriea should kill you as well..... I'm sooo confused....Oh and by the way does anything come from Atton's past... I never can get him to tell me if he was a murderer or not...

its moderatly explained in the first part of the game that during battle you block yourself off from the other so that you don't feel the others pain and I would guess this is the loop hole that Obsidian used to explain why when kreia dies you didn't and nor did the rest of the life in the universe.

"The only difference between genius and stupidity is genius has its limits!" - Albert Einstein.


"It's better to be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt!"


"You can try to kill me, you'd fail!, but you can try!" - Revan.


"When you have exhausted all other possibilities whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth." - Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Sir Arthur Conan Dole)


"A lack of planning on your part, does not constitute an emergency on my part"




its also been widely theorized that kreia exaggerated the effect of the force bond so that youd think twice about killing her yourself. if you ask everyone else about the force bond, every single jedi master acknowledges the force bond, but states they have never heard it where the death of one person means the death of the other.


so basically kreia just exaggerated the effect of the force bond. think about it, if you believe that it will only hurt you if kreia dies, you might take the chance of killing her before she gets you to achieve her goals. but if you believe that her death means your death, youre more likely to do everything in your power to keep her alive and well.


afterall, her name is darth traya for a reason. deceit and betrayal are her thing. ;)


Plus you know that the force couldn't atleast till sometime after episode VI :thumbsup:

People laugh when I say that I think a jellyfish is one of the most beautiful things in the world. What they don't understand is, I mean a jellyfish with long, blond hair.

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