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Hi, my names horace. I'm new here so I hope you'll all apologize for this abrupt topic.


I bought KOTOR 2 for Xbox in December. I totally enjoyed it, and finished it in less than 2 weeks. The game for me was a good evolution from the original KOTOR. By adding new features, better NPC's (IMO), and a darker story, KOTOR 2 really exceeded my expectations.


But then came the bugs...


I'm the type of guy who likes to repeat a game whenever it really appeals to me. I played through the original KOTOR numerous times, so it's really heartbreaking for me that KOTOR 2 has all these stupid bugs that limit it's replay value.


The first time I played through, I encountered no such problems. Through the second and third time though, all these stupid problems started coming out of the woodworks. Bugs and glitches that really have me wanting to tear my hair out. Now I know the first KOTOR had bugs as well (hell I've even abused them), but they weren't so bad that they ruined the game. The Sith Lords however, has some incredibly hideous bugs that make me want to tear the disc in two. It astounds me that obsidian would release a product with such defects.


Off the top of my head, the two worse bugs I've encountered are:


The Handmaiden and Visas movie doesn't trigger - This happened on my second playthrough. If you all remember, there's a sequence shortly after Visas first appears where she's confronted by the Handmaiden on the Ebon Hawk, who warns her to stay away from the Exile, to which Visas replies that she only wants to learn from the Exile. Because of this, the additional dialogue with the Handmaiden is lost, plus that little sequence with Handmaiden and Mira on the Ebon Hawk. On a small note, the added dialogue option with HK-47, where you ask him about love, is lost as well. All my subsequent playthroughs have encountered this problem.


Jedi Handmaiden and Jedi Mira refuse to gain XP - This was the game killer for me, happening on my fourth playthrough. Nar Shadaa was my second planet right after Dantooine, so imagine my surprise that whenever I summoned Jedi Mira and Jedi Handmaiden into my party, they don't gain the usual experience bonus like all your other party members do whenever you don't use them. Unusually, Mira and Handmaiden still get the excess XP if they're not Jedi, but once you turn them into Jedi, the bug takes effect.


So that's it. These two are the length and breath of my beef with the game, but they were enough for me to give up on it. Please, if anyone here has any suggestions on how to overcome these incredibly stupid gameplay screwups, let me know. If not, please tell me of any way to get in touch with the developers over this problem, or if there's any news on a new disc to be released wherein all the problems have been addressed.

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I've encountered a very similar bug to what you describe re: the Handmaiden and Mira on the PC version. In my version neither Handmaiden nor T3-M4 got XP while on the Ebon Hawk once I began the final Nar Shaddaa missions (everything from your invitation to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr to Goto's Yacht). However, leaving the Handmaiden as a Soldier didn't help. Have you heard any more about this problem?


Hi, my names horace. I'm new here so I hope you'll all apologize for this abrupt topic.


I bought  KOTOR 2 for Xbox in December. I totally enjoyed it, and finished it in less than 2 weeks. The game for me was  a good evolution from the original KOTOR. By adding new features, better NPC's (IMO), and a darker story, KOTOR 2 really exceeded my expectations.


But then came the bugs...


I'm the type of guy who likes to repeat a game whenever it really appeals to me. I played through the original KOTOR numerous times, so it's really heartbreaking for me that KOTOR 2 has all these stupid bugs that limit it's replay value.


The first time I played through, I encountered no such problems. Through the second and third time though, all these stupid problems started coming out of the woodworks. Bugs and glitches that really have me wanting to tear my hair out. Now I know the first KOTOR had bugs as well (hell I've even abused them), but they weren't so bad that they ruined the game. The Sith Lords however, has some incredibly hideous bugs that make me want  to tear the disc in two. It astounds me that obsidian would release a product with such defects.


Off the top of my head, the two worse bugs I've encountered are:


The Handmaiden and Visas movie doesn't trigger -  This happened on my second playthrough. If you all remember, there's a sequence shortly after Visas first appears where she's confronted by the Handmaiden on the Ebon Hawk, who warns her to stay away from the Exile, to which Visas replies that she only wants to learn from the Exile. Because of this, the additional dialogue with the Handmaiden is lost, plus that little sequence with Handmaiden and Mira on the Ebon Hawk. On a small note, the added dialogue option with HK-47, where you ask him about love, is lost as well. All my subsequent playthroughs have encountered this problem.


Jedi Handmaiden and Jedi Mira refuse to gain XP - This was the game killer for me, happening on my fourth playthrough. Nar Shadaa was my second planet right after Dantooine, so imagine my surprise that whenever I summoned Jedi Mira and Jedi Handmaiden into my party, they don't gain the usual experience  bonus like all your other party members do whenever you don't use them. Unusually, Mira and Handmaiden still get the excess XP if they're not Jedi, but once you turn them into Jedi, the bug takes effect.


So that's it. These two are the length and breath of my beef with the game, but they were enough for me to give up on it. Please, if anyone here has any suggestions on how to overcome these incredibly stupid gameplay screwups, let me know. If not, please tell me of any way to get in touch with the developers over this problem, or if there's any news on a new disc to be released wherein all the problems have been addressed.

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Unusually, Mira and Handmaiden still get the excess XP if they're not Jedi, but once you turn them into Jedi, the bug takes effect.


That's... bizarre, I've never had that problem. Everytime I've turned a character into a Jedi they gained XP just fine, though I have had a few characters behind in levels once or twice, but it never had anything to do with Jedifying them. Players encountering bugs vs. players not encountering bugs seems pretty split down the middle--many play through the game encountering numerous game enders, yet countless others don't. Eh, just lucky, I guess.


The worst I've had is two Attons and two Kreias on the same screen, that sort of thing. Stuff you'd laugh at but wouldn't really stress over. I can't help with the Handmaiden problems, unfourtunately... haven't played as a male Exile yet.


But, I CAN tell you about the HK thing: the love dialouge actually appears after you view the hologram of Bastila/Carth that T3 has. It isn't a cutscene (neither is the HK bit, obviously) so the Handmaiden bit shouldn't be an issue.


EDIT: Oh, wow, that post was made in January... Horace probably gave up. :geek:

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Unusually, Mira and Handmaiden still get the excess XP if they're not Jedi, but once you turn them into Jedi, the bug takes effect.


That's... bizarre, I've never had that problem. Everytime I've turned a character into a Jedi they gained XP just fine, though I have had a few characters behind in levels once or twice, but it never had anything to do with Jedifying them. Players encountering bugs vs. players not encountering bugs seems pretty split down the middle--many play through the game encountering numerous game enders, yet countless others don't. Eh, just lucky, I guess.


The worst I've had is two Attons and two Kreias on the same screen, that sort of thing. Stuff you'd laugh at but wouldn't really stress over. I can't help with the Handmaiden problems, unfourtunately... haven't played as a male Exile yet.


But, I CAN tell you about the HK thing: the love dialouge actually appears after you view the hologram of Bastila/Carth that T3 has. It isn't a cutscene (neither is the HK bit, obviously) so the Handmaiden bit shouldn't be an issue.


EDIT: Oh, wow, that post was made in January... Horace probably gave up. :(


You have to admire, at least to a certain degree... the many layers of KoTOR2, not that you find new plot stuff everytime you play... but the game DOES constantly reveal new and previously unknown bugs to you

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I have encountered many bugs:

* from things that don't let you finish a level (in Goto's ship I couldn't shutdown the power so I couldn't open the door to leave --- had to replay the whole level).

* I had a bug last night that certain answers in dialogue to NPCs would take to the startup screen... I was saving before talking to anybody

* from characters that change without prompting... Atton was switching with Kreia

* Alignments that change at the drop of a hat. I would get Handmaiden almost all dark and the next minute she would be grey and the next minute almost dark again (all within a couple of minutes with no action in between)

* I get dialogue options telling me of events that haven't happened yet (I am no my second run> 1st> LS 2nd> DS and 3rd> NS)


I get frustrated with the game but I want to finish... let's hope that KOTOR III would be better tested.

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