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Questions for SW:KotOR II's developers

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Hello world !


(These questions are addressed particularly to SW:KotOR II's developers ...)


I would like to know if some Star Wars : KotOR II's source files will be available with its PC version.

I explain : SW : KotOR II use surely the same "organization of the files" as the original title (SW : KotOR) ; For examples, scripts in .NCS files or sounds compressed with "Miles Sound Tools", etc ...

So, I want to know if you could put at the public's disposal some of these files.

Personally, I would prefer that you "give" us all of the "source scripts files" (*.NSS)files freely (.NCS files can't be decompiled with existing tools ...) for a better "access" to the modding ... (If it does not disturb you, of course !...)

Bioware has not released all of these files for SW : KotOR, and I think it's a pity ;

I hope that you won't do the same "error" ...


I await all of your answers ...


Good bye !

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The better choice would be that Obsidian (Or Bioware) release ALL of the *.NSS files (Source Scripts files).

NCS files can't be decompiled perfectly with existing tools (Like NWNNSSCOMP), so I prefer that developers give us all of the original *.NSS files.


But the choice shall be done by Obsidian or Bioware and not by the "community".


So, I await a POSITIVE answer !...

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