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I was looking at the feat list for KotOR II at Game Banshee and noticed that there was Superior Two weapon Fighting feats and Superior Lightsaber Weapon Focus Feats but the list didn't show a Superior Dueling Feat so it begs me to ask those who have played the game "Is there superior dueling feats??" I only ask this cause it seems logical to have them along side the Superior Two weapon Fighting Feats. Perhaps maybe the Superior Dueling feats aren't called " Superior Dueling" if so please tell me what they are called.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

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"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


Forgot to also ask if there where any Superior Jedi Defense feats as well.

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

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"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud


Thanks for the Info


That sort of sucks for those who like using just one lightsaber......soft of a big bummer if u ask me.....looks like I gots a reason to mod KotOR II now

"Some people are always trying to iceskate uphill."

Blade(Wesley Snipes) from the movie Blade.

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"The first human who hurled an insult instead of a stone was the founder of civilization." - Sigmund Freud

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