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First: Hello everybody.


The thing I would like to know, are the feats of the three different Lightsaber-Upgrades, without spoiling. Are the emitters, lenses and power core upgrades just a kind of crystals with any type of feats, or do they "act" in special ways? For example Lenses specifically at Attack or power core upgrades at the Damage?


Somebody please tell me, if this is a spoiler...then how to delete it and I will wipe this Post out of here.


It's a little complicated. To put it simply: Most of the basic crystals in TSL are state/fairly benign combat upgrades, where the lens, emitter and power core seem to involve more combat-oriented upgrades to the saber - critical strike, massive critical, and one lens in particular gives a very substantial bonus to damage, more than any of the crystals I've seen.

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