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Tales of the Jedi parallels in TSL

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Clearly a lot of inspiration from TotJ has gone into this game. In particular, the concept of the loss of connectino to the Force is used here:


In TotJ, Nomi Sunrider was able to block Ulic Qel Droma completley form the force. Talking to Kreia relatively early reveals your PC to be in a similar predicament - presumably 'punishment' from the Jedi Order.


Continuity wise, they've seemed to adhere to the perceived sensation well enough, thus far in my game. Similar lines from Ulic describing how it feels to be blinded or losing all one's sensation a once ehoes throught the PC's dialogue choices as well.


Good stuff. :)

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I think there is also some inspiration from non-starwars sources. In an episode of yu yu hakusho it is revealed one of the characters powers went into hibernation to prepare for a time they would be needed. I can't say anymore without being a totally obvious spoiler but once you get to the point where you can see a parallel you will understand.

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